Page 94 of Sliding into Home

He knew better than to listen to Johnny. That guy loved stirring shit up. He’d let his insecurity get the best of him because some part of him didn’t trust her not to bolt.

“Oh my god, you’re an idiot.” She shook her head slowly, like she couldn’t believe he was that stupid. “The only thing Brandon has a hard-on for is his tattoo.”

“Somehow, I don’t think that’s what he was talking about.”

“And somehow I don’t think you should be listening to Johnny-Fucking-Knight. Come on, Jeff.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “This was exactly why I didn’t want to tell Max we were together, because now he’s over there freaking out because you can’t handle me talking to a friend.”

“The talking wasn’t the problem,” he muttered.

“Excuse me?” She turned her head slightly, like she hadn’t quite heard him right.

“I said the talking wasn’t the problem. It was the hand on his arm.”

“I touch people all the time, Jeff.”

“You don’t even like to touch me in public.”

“That’s what this is about? Because I don’t want to confuse Max with a bunch of PDA’s?” She blinked, keeping her eyes closed for several seconds, then made a growly sound deep in her throat. “Let me get this straight. You’re pissed I won’t do some ridiculous claim my man PDA show, but somehow, I’m the type of person who would then turn around and go all gropey hands with some random guy in front of my son. Are you kidding me?”

“Well, when you say it like that it sounds pretty stupid,” he grumbled.

“Because it is stupid.” She glared at him. “We discussed how hard this was going to be, dating during the season. We either trust each other or we don’t. So figure your shit out because I’m not doing this again.” She pushed off the fence and walked away from him.

He scanned the parking lot, noting the looky-loos watching them from a distance. Awesome. If he’d had his head out of his ass, he wouldn’t have had that conversation in the parking lot of the stadium. If he’d had his head out of his ass, he wouldn’t have needed to have that conversation at all.

He jogged across the parking lot. He caught up with Kia just before she made it back to his SUV. Grabbing her hand, he tugged her back around. “I’m sorry. I fucked up. Again. You don’t deserve that.”

“You’re right. I don’t.”

He stepped closer to her. When she didn’t back away, he dipped his head, so his forehead was almost touching hers. “I’m an asshole.”


He smirked at her. She wasn’t going to give him an inch. “Forgive me?”

She stared back at him but said nothing.

He touched his forehead against hers and gave her what he hoped was his best puppy dog face. “I’ve never stayed at a Holiday Inn Express, so I’ve got a lot to learn.”

Kia snorted. “You’re still an idiot.”

“I know, but hopefully I’m still your idiot.” He batted his eyelashes the way he’d seen both her and Max do to each other when they were sucking up.

She pushed his face gently with her hand. “For now.” She turned and walked the rest of the way to the car.

“I’ll take it.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

Thenextgamesucked.He dropped onto the bench and dragged his bag out of his locker. Digging around, he pulled out his phone. Twenty-three missed texts, six missed calls. What the fuck?

He pulled open his texts and saw thirteen of the texts were from Kia. Shit. Max. Flicking open the texts.

Kia:What the hell?

That text was quickly followed by six more with links to various websites.

He didn’t click the link, but continued to read her texts for some sign of what was going on.