Page 73 of Sliding into Home

She slid past Jeff and crawled through the opening. It was huge inside. The guys had tied multiple blankets together. A small bean bag chair sat in one corner. A stack of books rested on a little table beside the air mattress. Jeff had gone all out to make this feel special for Max.

Well shoot, how was she supposed to stay annoyed at him when he was so damn sweet to Max?

She smiled at him. “This is amazing. Thank you.”

“Of course. I know it’s not ideal, but I really wanted you both to feel comfortable staying here.”

“Where’s Mom gonna sleep?” Max asked.

“I’m letting your mom have my bed.”

“Cool. Where are you sleeping?” Max sat up on his knees and stared at Jeff.

“Up to your mom. If she’s okay with it, there’s a couch in my room or else I can sleep out here on the couch.”

Max’s eyes narrowed. “Do you snore like Gonzo?”

Jeff grimaced. “I don’t know. I might.”

Max’s nose wrinkled up in disgust, and he turned to his mom. “You gotta let him sleep on the couch in your room, Mom.”

“You think I want to sleep with someone who snores?”

Max shrugged. “You’re the grownup. It’s like paying taxes.”

The look of confusion on Jeff’s face made her giggle. “Things you don’t like to do but have to because you’re a grownup,” she explained.

“Ah got ya.” Jeff nodded at Max. “Looks like she’s stuck with me then.”

Max’s head bobbed in agreement. “Yep, looks like,” Max mimicked.

Jeff pushed himself off his knees. “You want to see where your mom will be sleeping?”

Max jumped up and grabbed Jeff’s hand. Feelings she was fighting hard to keep at bay pushed to the surface as she followed the pair out of the room and up the stairs.

After a quick tour of the second floor, they made their way back downstairs. From the kitchen came the sound of men’s voices. Max dropped back a step and nervously looked at his dad.

“Sounds like my roommates are home.” Jeff scooped Max up onto his shoulders. “You hungry? Because, if you are, we should get in there before they eat all the food.”

Kia giggled as Jeff winced when Max’s little fingers dug into his hair to hold on. “We better go then.”

“Hey, hey, Max my man.” Ryan reached up and high-fived Max.

“Gonzo lost at vids last night, so he’s cooking.” Pete grinned at Max. “You like burgers, right?”

“With chips?” Max asked.

“Is there another way to eat homemade burgers?” Pete reached into the cupboard and pulled out four different varieties of chips and held them out to Max. “You think this will be enough?”

Max giggled.

Kia eyed the display of food on the island. “I thought you guys ate healthy during the season?”

“We do. We just thought Max might enjoy something different on the first night.” Jeff reached up and hoisted Max off his shoulders and plopped him on the bar stool beside Gonzo.

“Which ones look good to start?” Gonzo asked Max.

Max chewed his bottom lip and narrowed his eyes as he looked at the heaping mound of chips.