Gonzo leaned over and pulled a large plastic bowl toward him, then grabbed a couple of bags. He held them up to Max. “Should we mix ‘em? Then we don’t have to pick.”
Max’s eyes gleamed as he looked at her. She noted the two bags of chips and winced. The gleam of excitement in Max’s eyes dulled slightly like he expected her to say no. Which, if she was honest, normally she would have. Doritos and Dill Pickle chips mixed together sounded repulsive. She eyed the four men and her son, who all watched her expectantly. “Knock yourselves out.”
“Yes.” Max threw his fist in the air.
Gonzo dumped half a bag in the bowl, then half of the other bag and then began an elaborate flick and shuffle move to mix the chips all together.
Max grabbed a handful and shoved chips in his mouth. Gonzo did the same and grimaced as the flavors hit his mouth.
“Not the best combo?” Kia asked.
“No, it’s freaking delicious,” Gonzo said. “I just need something to drink to go with it.”
Max shifted onto his knees. “Me too.” Chip crumbs fell out of his mouth as he spoke.
“Wait until you’re done chewing before you talk, please,” Kia reminded him.
“Ah, Mom.” Max rolled his eyes. “We’re men.”
She tilted her head to the side and stared at her son. What did that mean?
“Nah, man, you don’t want to waste good chips by spitting them when you talk,” Pete said as he slid a glass of juice across the island to Max.
“Right.” Max nodded in agreement.
“We were thinking some BBQ then video games tonight.” Ryan scooped up a handful of chips. “That work for you, Maxie?”
Her son beamed at the nickname. “Yep.”
“Cool. Mario Kart tonight. Real go-karts tomorrow.” Ryan held up his hands for Max to slap.
“Go-karts?” Kia turned to Jeff. “You sure that’s a good idea?”
“Yeah, he’ll ride with me. He’ll be safe, I promise.”
“Are you gonna come, Mom?”
“Nope, I was told it was male bonding time.”
“Right, you’re meeting Brandon,” Jeff sneered.
That was enough of that bullshit. “We’ll be back in a minute.” She grabbed Jeff’s arm and pulled him to let him know they needed to talk.
She strode upstairs and spun around when he closed the bedroom door behind them. “What is your problem?” she demanded.
“My problem? You’re the one going for coffee with another guy.”
“Are you kidding me right now? You’re seriously jealous?”
Jeff crossed his arms over his chest. “I know we agreed to keep things low-key because of Max, but for the record, when I said we wouldn’t be fucking other people, I meant dating as well.”
“Oh my god, I’m not going on a date.”
“What would you call it?” Jeff growled.
“A consult.”
Jeff’s forehead wrinkled. “What do you mean?”