Page 70 of Sliding into Home

“It’s not just one week though, it’s the principle of it. So what? I take him out for a dentist appointment because it’s more convenient for me and that’s okay, but when he wants to skip to go hang with his friends it’s not okay?” She sighed. “No, I can’t have that double-standard with him. If I want him to learn it, I have to live it. Even if it sucks.”

Silence filled the line for several seconds before she heard Jeff exhale loudly. “Okay, I get it. I don’t like it, but I get it.”

“Thank you.”

“You sure he can’t start learning this lesson later, like closer to the time he wants to skip with his friends?”

If only it were that easy. “I wish.” There was nothing she’d rather do than escape to Phoenix and hide away from her life.

“Have to admit it kinda sucks you’re such a grownup.” He chuckled. “But I think it’s cool you think about that stuff when you’re making decisions. I never would have.”

“Thank you.” She pulled up the calendar on her phone. “Max has a non-instructional day next Friday. I could talk to Viper about switching some things around and we could come out then.”

“Yeah, that would be amazing. I think Max would get a kick out coming to the field. Things are a lot more laid-back during spring training. I could bring him on the field and chuck the ball around.”

“I’m sure he’d love that.”

“I could bring you down there too if you wanted.” His voice dipped all low and sexy. “Or I’m sure I could find another way to make your visit memorable.”

She adjusted the pillow behind her head to get comfier. “Just what did you have in mind?”

“Well, seeing how I didn’t really get a proper look at you in that bikini you wore to Ryan’s house.”

“What do you mean you didn’t get a proper look? You were gawking at me all day.”

“Well yeah, of course I was. You looked hot. And by look at you, I mean touch because I wasn’t allowed to touch you yet.”

A feeling of warmth slid through her body. “Did you want to touch me?”

“More than anything.”

“You hid it pretty well.”

“Did I? I’m not sure how since every time I glanced at you, my dick felt like it was trying to cut a hole through my shorts.”

Now that she thought about it, he had seemed like he had ants in his pants that day. She’d thought it was because his wet bathing suit was chafing. It was nice to know it was because of her. “And here I just thought you had crabs or something.”

“Jesus.” Jeff snorted out a loud laugh. “No.” He paused. “Hang on, is that really what you thought?”

She could almost picture the look of horror on his face at the idea. Giggling, she covered her mouth with her hand. “No, I didn’t think that.”

“Thank god,” he muttered. “But seriously, we have a pool and a hot tub at the house. You in your swimsuit? It could be fun.”

“You do realize we’ll have a five-year-old to entertain, right?”

“Yeah, but I have three roommates. So…”

She laughed. Three roommates made it more complicated, not less. “So…more people lingering around cock-blocking you?”

“Ha-ha. No. There will be no cock-blocking that weekend. Full disclosure? I might have told the guys we were sleeping together, and I wouldn’t be hooking up with anyone else.”

“That’s okay, I might have told Vika, too.”

“Perfect, so this weekend will just be fun, sun, and sex. Lots and lots of sex.”

“Not sure how you plan on pulling that off exactly.”

“I’ll pay the guys to entertain Max.”