Page 71 of Sliding into Home

“You are not going to pay your friends so we can have sex.”

“Yeah, I totally am.”

God, she could just imagine how that conversation would go. “How about we just leave the sex till bedtime like normal people?”

“Normal people have daytime sex too, you know.”

“Not normal people with kids that don’t nap.” She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had the privacy to even go to the bathroom without being interrupted, let alone have sex when Max was home during the day.

“Okay, that might be fair. I’ll think on it, don’t you worry. You just get here next week, and I’ll figure out the game plan. Maybe the boys and I will take Max out for the afternoon and give you some time to yourself to just lay by the pool and relax.”

“God, that sounds amazing. Sold.”

“Talk to Viper and get the time off, and I’ll take care of everything else.”

“Kay, I’ll talk to him tomorrow.”

“Night, Kia,”


She hung up the phone and dropped it on her bedside table. A weekend away sounded like exactly what she needed.

Chapter Nineteen

“Mom,whycan’twego inside?” Max bounced on his toes beside her as he stared toward the stadium gate. Between the early morning arrival at the airport and the flight, to say her son was wired was an understatement. She dug into her purse and pulled out some matchbox cars.

“Here bud, play with those and I’ll text your dad again and see how much longer he’s going to be.” She pulled her phone out of her bag. Shoot, he still hadn’t responded to any of her texts to say their plane had landed. She tried to peek through the fence to see if she could tell if they were still practicing.

Yes, it was cheap of her, but she didn’t want to pay to get into the stadium if he was done for the morning. Jeff had said he’d get them passes for the time they were here so they could come and go as she pleased. Max drove his little car over her foot, then the other. Making a loud booming sound, his car crashed on its way over her toes. Thank God, he could entertain himself pretty much anywhere.

She fired off another text to Jeff to let him know they were waiting outside the gates for him. Her phone buzzed instantly with a text from him that he would be out shortly.

A player in Hawks’ gear strolled up to them with his bag slung over his shoulder. “Hey, you’re Kia, right?”

How did he know that? “I am.” Had Jeff told him she was out there?

He held up his hands palm up. “Sorry, I’m not some weird creeper. I’m Brandon. I play with Smitty. You were in some pictures Ryan was showing me of the guys getting their tattoos.”

“Oh right, of course.”

“You do great work.”


Brandon looked at his foot, then back at her. His head cocked to the side as he assessed her. “I was hoping we could talk about an idea I had for a tattoo.”

“Sure, did you want to do that sometime this weekend while I’m here or wait till you’re back in town?”

Brandon’s eyes brightened. “This weekend would be great if you have time. I don’t want to take you away from your family time though. I know you guys have limited time together.”

“I’ll have some time tomorrow after your practice. I’ve already been told that they are doing some male bonding. Jeff and a couple of his buddies are taking Max someplace. So I could meet you then.”

“That’d be great. Give me your phone and I’ll put my number in and you can text me to firm up where and when.”

She handed him her phone to exchange numbers. As Brandon was handing her phone back, Jeff walked out of the gate. His eyes narrowed on her. He nodded toward them.

Okay, not the warmest welcome she’d ever seen. Max spotted Jeff and jumped to his feet. His toys forgotten as he launched himself toward his dad. The second he reached him Jeff scooped him up. Max wrapped his little legs around his dad’s waist, and Kia’s heart melted.