
Knox and Addie

“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!”

Addie rounded the corner, running from her playroom to the stairs and then going down as quickly as she could without falling. As soon as she hit the landing, she took off running again but quickly came to a hard stop when she ran into a solid, muscled chest. Looking up, she met the disapproving eyes of her Daddy.

“Little girl, how many times have I told you no running in the house?”

Oops. She probably wouldn’t answer that because if she didn’t answer then maybe he wouldn’t remember how many times, which would surely be better for her bottom. Especially since the last time she’d gotten in trouble for running in the house, he’d told her if she did it again, she was getting the big wooden hairbrush. She didn’t like that thing. It was just evil.

“But, Daddy, I have news to tell you.”

Knox sighed, scrubbing his hand over his face. “You’re changing the subject. But it seems very important, so what news do you have for me?”

She grinned up at him, practically bursting with excitement. “Remember when you asked where I wanted to go on vacation this summer?”

He nodded but didn’t say anything, so she continued, “I found where I wanna go. I’ve been doing a ton of research, and I even talked to the other girls about it, and we want all of us to go together because it will be so much more fun, and then it will be a big happy family vacation.”

Knox reached out and cupped her chin between his thumb and index finger, smiling down at her. “Shortcake, you’re rambling. Tell me where you girls wanna go.”

“It’s a resort for age players and it’s, like, practically famous. They have everything there, and we can be Little all the time. And guess what else? I already called, and they had a group cancellation, so they can get us in, and even better, it would be during the week of the Fourth of July! It will be the best summer ever!”

Her Daddy chuckled and shook his head. “It sounds like you and the girls did a lot of research. So tell me the name of this place that will make it the best summer ever.”

Bouncing up and down on her toes, she clapped her hands together. “Rawhide Ranch!”

He slowly nodded. “I’ve heard of it. I’ve actually known a few couples from the club who have gone. I think that sounds like a great vacation. We’ll talk to everyone tomorrow night at dinner and then I’ll get it all set up. It would be fun to have a vacation where the entire family could go.”

Addie jumped up, throwing her fist in the air. “Yes! You’re the best Daddy ever! Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. When she released him and stepped back, she was grinning from ear to ear.

“Now, walk upstairs to our room and get the wooden hairbrush.”

Shoot. Crap. Fudge.

He raised his eyebrows. “Thought I forgot, didn’t ya?”

Hoping was more like it.

Dropping her shoulders, she turned and headed for the stairs with her Daddy following closely behind. It was a good thing they wouldn’t be flying out to Montana for another month because she had a feeling she wouldn’t be sitting comfortably for at least that long.

Chapter One

Knox and Addie


“Look,there’s ponies! Oh my gosh, can we ride the ponies?”

His wife was beyond excited as they drove through the entrance of Rawhide Ranch. All the Littles were excited, actually. He was pretty sure a couple of them would be getting their butts spanked as soon as they were all settled into their rooms because they’d been too excited to listen to their Daddies. So far, though, Addie had been on her best behavior.

“I’m pretty sure those are full-size horses, Shortcake, but we can see about riding the horses. There’s going to be lots of things for us to do while we’re here. I’m sure there won’t be a moment of boredom the whole week.”

Addie clapped her hands together as she bounced in her seat. All eighteen of them had been able to go, so he was sure it would be a very eventful week.

“Oh, look, there’s a playground!” Kylie squealed.