She was one of the ones who would be getting her butt spanked. Knox was surprised his brother hadn’t bared her ass in the airport and spanked her for the stunt she’d pulled when she climbed on the baggage claim belt and rode it all the way around with him chasing her, demanding that she get off.

“You’re not going on the playground anytime soon,” Ash told her. “When we get to the room, you’re going straight to the corner and then you have a meeting with my belt.”

Kylie stuck her lip out in a pout, but other than that she didn’t seem too worried. That was the name of the Little game, though. It wasn’t like any of their women didn’t want to be spanked. But he did have a feeling she might not really enjoy the spanking she had coming.

Addie tugged on his shirt causing him to look down at her. Her blue eyes were wide and worried. “What if the people here don’t like us? What if we’re too wild? I read that there are dozens of Littles and Bigs who live here full time. We might be the outsiders.”

Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, he kissed the top of her head. “Of course they’ll like us. We’re cool and fun and silly. Besides, I already talked to the owner, Derek Hawkins, and he and his wife, Sadie, are excited to have us. They always have people who vacation here, so they’re used to it. And besides, you’re with Daddy so it will be the best time ever no matter what.”

She smiled up at him and he could feel her relax against his body. “Thank you, Daddy. I love you. Itwillbe the best time ever.”

He wrapped his arm tighter around her and looked around the van at the other members of his family who were riding with them. Being able to all schedule the time off so they could go as a family was a major feat in itself but he was so glad they’d been able to work it out.

The last family vacation they’d taken together had been back when the men had all been teenagers and their little sister, Celeste, and Ma were alive. It had been a blast, and it was a memory Knox would always be grateful for. After all, how many families welcomed kids from fucked-up pasts into their homes, treated them like they’d always been there, and then spent a fortune to take all those kids on vacation? He guessed not many, which was why he knew he was so damn lucky. Maybe they weren’t all related by blood, but all the men in the two vans were his brothers with or without the same DNA running through their veins. And Pop, well, he was the only man Knox ever considered to be his real dad. Yeah, he was lucky. And now, with all the precious women added into their lives, life couldn’t possibly get any better.

“I love you all,” he said out loud.

Ash, Maddox, Hawk, and Beau looked at him with smirks.

“I was just thinking the same thing. I love you too, bro,” Ash replied.

Hawk nodded. “Family is everything. You guys and women are my everything.”

Addie looked up at Knox with wet eyes and smiled at him. “I love you too, Daddy.”

Leaning down, he kissed the shell of her ear and whispered. “I love you the very most, Shortcake.”


There was somuch to see it was hard to take it all in at once. The flight had been both overwhelming and exhausting, and now that they were piling out of the two vans they’d taken from the airport, all she wanted to do was go explore. But her Daddy had said they had to check in and meet with the owner of Rawhide to go over policies first. That sounded very boring.

“As soon as we’re done with our meeting with Master Derek, you can submerge yourself into Little space for the rest of the week with no breaks, but I’d like you to pay attention while we’re in the meeting in case there are any safety rules he goes over. Understood?”

Bobbing her head up and down, she smiled widely. Her Daddy was so handsome. Sometimes she still couldn’t believe she got to marry him, but he showed her every day how much he loved both her grown-up and her Little side.

“Okay, Daddy. Pay attention. Got it. Pay attention to what?”

Knox shot her a look. “Shortcake…”

She giggled. “I’m just teasing, Daddy.”

Leaning down, he kissed her nose. “Keep teasing and see where that gets you, little girl.”

Goosebumps rose over her flesh the way they always did when he made threats like that.

Before she could tease her Daddy even more, a large man and a tiny woman stepped out of the front doors of the building, making Addie reach for Knox. The man was gigantic. Maybe even larger than Wolf, and he definitely looked sterner than Wolf, which was saying something.

Knox picked her up and settled her on his hip as he made his way toward the front doors. “It’s okay, Shortcake. That’s Master Derek. He owns Rawhide Ranch.”

She rested her head on his shoulder and sighed. She knew she didn’t have to worry as long as she was in her Daddy’s arms.

Kylie, Emma, and Brynn skipped hand in hand while Lucy was carried by Wolf. Nora was practically plastered to Angel’s side, and Ellie, Claire, and Ava were giggling about something as their Daddies led them toward the doors.

“You must be the Javier family,” the large man said.

Sheesh. His voice was so deep. Addie wondered if he was related to Santa Claus because they definitely had the same pitch.

Knox lowered her to her feet and she reluctantly let go of him as she faced Master Derek. The woman standing next to him, as small as she was, didn’t seem the least bit fazed by him. Maybe he wasn’t as scary as he appeared.