“Yes, but you need to wait twenty minutes before getting in the pool.”

Nodding, she gave him a kiss and walked over to where a group of other frosted Littles were waiting their twenty minutes. “Hey!”

Sadie grinned and hugged her. “Come meet my friends, this is Hayleigh and this is Quinn.”

Addie smiled at the other Littles, and they all started talking excitedly about who was going to swim the fastest across the pool.

“No running!” Wolf’s deep voice thundered.

Everyone paused and turned to look at Lucy who was in the process of slowing down. “Sorry, Daddy!”

Wolf narrowed his eyes at her and replied loudly. “If you run again, I’m spanking your bottom right here in broad daylight with everyone watching. Understood?”

“Same goes for you, Kylie,” Ash called out.

Knox, Leo, Beau, Hawk, and Colt all nodded and agreed.

Master Derek spoke up. “I think it’s safe to say that if any of you Littles get caught running in the pool area, you’ll be getting a spanking right then and there.”

Well, sheesh. Addie wondered how many of them would have red bottoms by the end of the day. Probably all of them.

Chapter Twelve

Hawk and Ellie


The day got hot quickly,and it seemed like every twenty minutes, their Daddies were making them get out of the pool for a fresh batch of sunblock and to take drinks of water to stay hydrated.

Her Daddy didn’t appreciate her telling him that she’d stay hydrated if he’d just let her stay in the pool.

“Little girl, for that little smart comment, you get to sit down and have a ten minute timeout.”

Well… that sucked.

Plopping down on the chair next to her Daddy, she stuck her tongue out at him when he looked away, but Angel noticed and raised his eyebrows at her.

“Is sticking your tongue out at your Daddy allowed?” he asked.

Her eyes widened as Hawk turned to her with his eyebrows raised. “Do you want me to take you back to the suite and put you down for a nap? Because it seems that you’re being a bit fussy today.”

She shook her head. “No, Daddy. Sorry.”

“Maybe you need your bottom reddened so you behave.”

“No, Daddy. I’ll be good. I promise.”

“You better.”

Sitting on the sidelines for ten minutes was torture, especially since Angel kept smirking at her. She loved that big guy, but he could really be a big meanie-head sometimes.

When she finally got to return to her friends, she sat down at the edge of the shallow end of the pool. Addie, Kylie, Wren, Hayleigh, and Emma were sitting there too while Sadie, Lucy, Nora, Claire, Ava and Quinn stood in the pool facing them as they all chatted away.

“Oh, good, you’re back. We’re trying to figure out how we’re going to pull off our unicorn prank,” Emma told her.

Her eyes widened as she listened to everything they’d planned, and she already knew it was going to be totally epic.
