“Okay, Daddy. Whatever you say.”

Snorting, he grabbed her and started tickling her. “Are you being sarcastic, little girl? Are you saying that one of my brothers is hotter and more fit than I am? Maybe you need a red bottom to show off at the pool.”

Addie squealed and screamed, trying to get away from his torture. “Never! You’re the hottest and the fittest, Daddy! You would win Hot-Daddy-of-the-Year award! Stop, I’m gonna pee!”

Laughing, he stopped tickling her and swatted her butt. “Go potty and then come here and I’ll get you changed for the pool.”

He watched as she ran for the bathroom, not even bothering to close the door before she pulled down her panties to go pee.

When she was done, she walked out to him with a smile on her face. Reaching out for her, he pulled her to him and cupped her chin to kiss her. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him back, and when he pulled away, he could see that she wanted more, but keeping her on edge all day and then giving her multiple orgasms before bed was his favorite game, so he winked at her and started removing her clothes.

Her swimsuit was a one piece that she’d made, and she had been constantly selling out of it on her website for Little clothes. It had little flowers all over it and a little matching piece of frill sewn around the waist. She looked absolutely adorable in it.

“Let’s put your hair up in space buns so it doesn’t get in your way while you’re swimming.”

Clapping her hands, she bounced up and down on her toes before going to the bathroom and bringing him back some hair ties and a brush. Even though he couldn’t do her hair as well as she could, she always loved when he did it for her, so he tried to do it as often as possible.

By the time he got her long blonde hair wrapped up into two messy buns that matched, she was squirming and sighing heavily, and he knew she was itching to get going to the pool.

“Okay, Shortcake. Daddy did his best.”

She got to her feet and turned around and then chuckled. His best was lopsided and uneven but before he could reach for her to make her sit down so he could fix them again, she had skipped away to her suitcase to grab her pool towel that she’d insisted on bringing because it was the same color pink as the flowers on her swimsuit. His babygirl always wanted to match. It was the designer in her.

“We need the sunblock too,” he told her.

While she looked for that, he changed into his swimsuit and a tank top. Grabbing his hat, he put it on to keep the sun out of his eyes and slid into a pair of flip flops. When Addie turned around, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.


Holy fuckadoodle.Her Daddy was hot. The hat. The tank top that his muscles were bulging against showed off his thick shoulders and biceps. The shorts. The flip flops. He was like a city boy turned beach boy, and she was loving it.

“Daddy, you look…”

He grinned and winked at her. “See, told you I’d be the hottest Daddy there.”

Giggling, she shook her head. “If I didn’t know the Littles there already had Daddies, I’d be having to scratch their eyes out so they couldn’t look at you.”

This time, he burst out laughing, bringing his fingers up to his forehead in exasperation. “Shortcake, you’re as fierce as a baby bunny. I don’t think you would scratch anyone’s eyes out. But I’m glad you’re so possessive of your Daddy. You don’t ever have to worry, though. You’re the only person in the world I have eyes for, and my heart only beats for you.”

Aww. Her Daddy could seriously be the most romantic man sometimes. He might look big and tough, but his heart was as pure as gold when it came to the people he trusted and loved. And his love was fierce. There were still times she second-guessed it and wondered how someone as perfect as him could love someone like her who wasn’t fit and had jiggly thighs and a big bottom, but his obsession with her body made it a little easier every day to believe how much he loved her.

Smiling up at him, she lifted up to her tiptoes to kiss him. Even when she was on her tiptoes as high as she could go, she still wasn’t tall enough to kiss him, so he had to lean down and meet her halfway.

“I love you, Daddy. Thank you for always being patient with me and reassuring me. I’m sorry I’m so needy sometimes.”

Knox cupped her cheeks in his hands and stared down at her, his eyes glued to hers. “Never apologize for that. I’m your Daddy and I want to be needed. I want to reassure you because if that’s what you need to hear over and over until you know it without a single doubt, then I want to make that happen. You’re the love of my life, Addie. You’re my Little girl and my wife, and you’re everything to me. You need to remember that even though you submit to me, I worship the goddamn ground you walk on because you’re my queen.”

Wow. She hadn’t expected their playfulness to turn so deep but damn. She was debating pulling off her swimsuit and skipping the pool so they could stay in their room and make love all day. That thought was interrupted with a knock at the door, and she could hear several of the other Littles of the family chattering loudly in the hall.

“Let’s go swim, Shortcake,” he said with a wink.

Nodding, she smiled and noticed him adjust his cock before he answered the door. She always loved when she knew she affected him as much as he affected her.

When they got to the pool, it was full of Littles in all sorts of different swimsuits ranging from a swim diaper and a top to one-piece suits with frills attached, cute designs on the front, bows, and sparkles. It gave her so many ideas for new suits to make for her shop.

All the Daddies seemed to be slathering their Littles in sunblock or fussing over them somehow to get them ready to swim. Before she could take off to join everyone, Knox grabbed hold of her hand. “You need sunblock too, Shortcake.”

Groaning, she stood in front of him as he covered her from head to toe in lotion so thick she was pretty sure she looked like a frosted cake. “Can I go now, Daddy?”