Page 43 of Charm Me Not

As soon as I pulled away, her hand flew to her cheek where my lips had been, her jaw dropped and eyes wide.

Instead of saying something sweet, she reached out and back handed my torso. “Don’t do that. Remember, I’m the villain here.”

I pushed off her car and backed away a few feet as she put it into drive.

“Even villains deserve a happily ever after, Una…”

Chapter 16


By the timeI pulled into my driveway, I had a text waiting for me.

From Charlie. Looking to see if I made it home safely.

Team Charming really was trying to push me to my limits.

I answered him, only because I figured he wouldn’t stop pestering me until I did. Sure enough, a minute later, another text came through thanking me for a fun evening and wishing me a good night.

The things he did… the way he carried himself… how he spoke… it was like he was some sort of prince out of a fairy tale. It wasn’treal. No one was this charismatic in real life. Everyone had flaws, but I had yet to find Charlie’s.

He was sweet. Charming. Even to me, someone who didn’t deserve an ounce of kindness from him.

I thought back to the first time we spoke—the day after everyone found out who Dad was. I had expected the worst, especially after the Fairy Godmother posts. Teller kids wouldn’t care; it was the Fairview kids I had been worried about. They didn’t like it when Teller kids encroached on their territory, and usually retaliated with bullying measures. Being related to the coach of the varsity soccer team could seem like I was messing with them.

But Charlie… when Charlie found out, the first thing he did was apologize. He thought I was upset thinkinghesold me out to the Fairy Godmother. He had been worried that I was mad at him, even though I had barely spoken to him.

He was too nice. There had to be some ulterior motive behind his actions. Was he trying to play me? Was everything he was doing a trap? What if, at the end of this all, he had some sort of humiliation tactic waiting?

It was plausible. After all, I was also playing him. The double-crossing theme could go both ways.

But then again… he wastoo nice. While plausible, it didn’t seem possible for him to commit an act of treachery like that.

I sighed, leaning back in my seat and propping my right foot on the dash. It creaked under the weight of my boots, but it didn’t break. At least, I didn’t think it did.

Opening a new text, I shot a message off to Malia. I needed some time with friends. Mean ones. Truthful ones. Brutally honest ones. Ones that didn’t feel like they had to be nice to impress me. Ones that knew that being nicewouldn’timpress me.

That’s why we were friends. She told it like it was all the time. No holding back.

After spending time with Charlie and not hating it, I needed a good slap in the face to shock myself back to reality.

Me:What are you up to tomorrow? Need to hang.

Malia:You know, tomorrow is busy. Plans with Ali. Who pretty much would like to see you burned at the stake. Unless you’re up for that—can I throw some popcorn kernels in and time how long it takes for your roast to make a bowl?

Me:Absolutely not.

Malia:You’re right. S’mores is definitely the better option. Slow roast and all.

Me:What are you two doing?

Malia:That’s on a need to know basis. How bad do you need to know?

Me:Mal, don’t forget the contract you signed in eighth grade. Would hate for that to become public knowledge now…

Malia:Wouldn’t even care. But for your information, your highness, we’re going to Tremaine’s.

I didn’t bother answering her. There was nothing more to say anyway. I threw the car into reverse, needing to run a quick errand before tomorrow.