Page 42 of Charm Me Not

“You’re impossible. But I will get you back,” she declared with a grin. The number of times she had smiled this evening was more than I had ever seen her do before combined.

And it made my heart swell with pride.

I shrugged and sunk my shot with the next putt, adding it to the total on the scorecard. “Looks like you’re a few behind here, sunshine.”

“Let me see that.” Una came up from behind me, looking over my shoulder. Her proximity made my heart race and beads of sweat pop on my forehead. The little paper shook in my hand.

“I’m only four behind. And there’s still four holes left. You’re going down, soccer boy.”

I smirked and raised an eyebrow, not threatened by her challenge.

Two holes later, I got my butt whooped.

My jaw dropped. Una’s club fell to her side in disbelief.

“Did that just…” she whispered, her eyes widened.

“You just…”

“Holy crap.”

I leapt up, punching the air. “Yes! Yes, girl, you did it! Hole in one!” I yelled. I threw my club to the floor, bent down slightly, and quickly embraced Una, spinning her in circles a few times.

Her arms encircled my neck, gripping tightly as we spun.

“You did it! Hole in one! Hole in one!” I shouted, now bouncing on my toes. She laughed even louder as we moved together.

Her laugh was like music to my ears, but her look of pure joy was even better. After I set her down on her feet, the grin didn’t leave her face.

“Okay,thatwas cool,” she said, trying to compose herself by smoothing her shirt and picking up her club.

“Thatwas probably the game-winning shot,” I replied, consulting the scorecard. Depending on what I got in this hole, I could either be close behind her or end up getting crushed.

I got crushed. Completely crushed.

Una got the last two holes in two putts each, while I took three. I lost by almost six points.

“Well, no one can say we aren’t competitive,” I said as we returned our clubs and walked to the parking lot.

“I mean, I didn’t come here to lose,” she replied, falling into sync next to me. She slid one hand into the pocket of her cargo pants, staring at the ground, the other hand clutching the rose from earlier.

I couldn’t stop looking at her.

As soon as we got to her car, I paused. I didn’t know what to say now. I didn’t want this night to end with her just leaving. I had to do or saysomethingmemorable.

She slid into the driver’s seat before I said anything, but had the window rolled down.

“I’ll admit. This was fun. But it doesn’t mean I’m in love or believe love is real.” She leaned to the side, resting her left elbow on the window frame, her chin sitting on her fist.

I propped one arm against the top of the doorframe, beaming. Those words like magic to me, even though she meant the end negatively. I chose to ignore that part and focus on the beginning.

“Was that a score for Team Charming?” My head tilted, a lock of hair falling into my face.

Una narrowed her eyes, but couldn’t stop the sly smile that rose. “You know friends do this too. I’ve been mini golfing with Ali before. Doesn’t mean its love.”

Without hesitation, I said, “Yeah, but would friends do this?” A split second later, I leaned down, poked my head through the open window a bit, and gave her a goodbye kiss on her cheek.

The second my lips connected with her skin, an electric zap shot through my body, followed by a rush of warmth to my cheeks. My heart pounded and breathing became slightly difficult.