“We’re gonna get Il Diavolo, Angelo, once and for all.”

“Know it.” He nods. “Now fuck off outta here. If Sage is what you want, go fucking get her.”

“You sound like a broken record,” I tell him. “Just like Marco.”

He gives me a look. “You talked to Marco before me?”

I shrug. “You’ve been a little distracted lately. Like you said, last thing you need is women drama.”

“Touché,” he muses, a look of pride in his eyes that forms a lump in my throat. “Touché, little brother.”

* * *

Garrett calls me when I’m in my office going over some of the figures for Bijou. I have to get out there this afternoon and see how things are looking. We pay site visits a few times a week, to make sure the place isn’t going to rack and ruin. Plus, we try to play a card game once a week.

“What’s up?” I ask him, knowing he’s been on watch over Sage at the hospital.

“I think you need to come down here,” he says.

His voice is calm, but that doesn’t mean anything. Garrett is eerily calm, even in the midst of the last shooting when we first captured Cameron.

“What’s going on?” My heart starts to hammer. “Is Sage okay?”

“We had a crazy this afternoon.”

“What does that mean?”

“Fucking prick high on drugs. Pigs got involved.”

“Fuck. Is she okay?”

“She was shaken up. He was waving a fucking knife around, and she has a few scrapes.”

“He got that close?”

“I dealt with him.”

“He’s dead?” I hope not. I’d love nothing more than to cut him limb from limb.


“Fuck.” Then, I ask, “Does Angelo know?”

“Of course. I wanted to let you know, too.”

It seems even fucking Garrett is aware that I’m a goddamn pussy boy for Sage.

It’s not like I even care anymore.

But I have to get to the hospital.

“I’m on my way.”

I jump into my sports car and drive like a madman to the ER.

I don’t see her at first, since it’s always fucking busy in here. It also makes me wonder what would have happened if it weren’t for the security we put on her. Would he have stabbed her?

How fucked up is this hospital? I make a mental note to talk to Angelo about better security here. The employees deserve better than that.