I smirk. “Uh huh, so what you’re really saying is you wanna be friends with benefits?”

Her eyes go round. “Fynn Medici!”

I snicker, trying to make light of it, because if I don’t, I could push these plates aside, sit her on the bench, push her legs apart, and give her a real goodbye kiss… right between her legs.

It’s no secret I’m always hard for her. She does things to me that no woman since has been able to, and I’d be lying if I said I don’t want another shot. But if we go there, then I don’t know how that would leave things with our friendship. I don’t know anyone who has casual sex with one person and doesn’t attach feelings.

Can it be done?

“You act like you’re shocked, but deep down, you want me.” I laugh.

She shakes her head, but doesn't deny it. “One thing I can always count on is that you’ll be guaranteed to talk shit and put me in a good mood.”

“It was a good kiss, though, right?”

She shoves me with her shoulder as I laugh.

“Admit it,” I go on. “And I’ll leave a happy man.”

“Fine,” she says, exasperated. “It was nice.”


She giggles. “Hot.”

“Getting warmer.”

“Sexy as fuck.”

“There we go. My ego and masculine pride can stay intact.”

We go quiet again, like we both know our time is almost up.

“So, we’ll stay in touch?” she whispers.

I glance at her. “Of course we will. You’re not moving to Mars.”

She smiles into her glass of wine, but I see there’s something unresolved in her eyes. I don’t want to go there.

“I think we need a toast,” I go on, topping up our glasses with wine. “To your success in California,baby cakes.I hope all the male doctors look like toads.”

She laughs again. “Stop it, you’re making my ribs hurt.”

Our glasses clink, and I stare at her as she takes a sip.

It would be so fucking easy… for the entire night, all I’ve thought about is touching her. Running my hands through her soft chestnut hair. Having her lean into me while I smell her subtle perfume and I pretend not to notice our proximity.

Thankfully, she pushes her chair out to clear our plates, announcing she made tiramisu, while I adjust myself in my jeans.

For Christ's sake.

We spend the rest of the evening eating cake, and I tell her about going for my MBA and all the stuff I’m learning, my plans for the future and building an empire.

She listens, taking it all in, giving me her undivided attention while I lap it up.

When it’s time to go, I feel an ache in my chest. A void where she should be.

I plaster a smile on my face as she hands me a takeout container with more tiramisu for later.