“When I’m sucking on my spoon, I’ll think of you,” I say as she walks me to the door.

“Always such a romantic.” She laughs.

I turn. “One last kiss?” I point to my cheek, knowing it’s wrong, but I need to feel her lips one last time. “For old time’s sake?”

She grips my chin and squeezes, chastising me like only she knows how. “What will I do with you, Fynn Medici?”

“Tie me to your bed on spring break?”

She slaps me on the chest as I catch her arm, but then she leans up, her soft lips planting on my cheek as I try not to take in the scent of warm vanilla that will permeate my senses for all of eternity.

Then, when I turn my face to hers, she presses her lips to mine.

Big fucking mistake.

I don’t intend to reciprocate… but I can hardly fucking help it.

I close my eyes, knowing I will never, ever get enough of her. Of her smell, her touch, her sunshine.

I breathe her in as our lips brush together. We fit right back in where we left off, and I know that’s a very bad thing, given our circumstances.

My cock hardens, and I know she feels it as her slender body presses into mine. It feels like a steel rod between us, and even though I can control my mind and my words, I can’t control my body.

I cup her face, deepening the kiss as she moans.

It would be so fucking easy to walk her back inside, slam the door closed, and lay her down on the couch. But then my mind catches up with my body and my aching cock… I pull away first.

“Holy shit,baby cakes.”

“This is a bitch.” Her chest rises and falls rapidly, and I take great pride in seeing that I’ve undone her after just one kiss.

“You’re not fucking wrong about that.” I let go of her. If I don’t go now, I never will.

“Goodnight, Sage.”

“Goodnight, Fynn.”

“Thank you for dinner.” I open my mouth to say something else, but close it again.

“You’re welcome.” Leaning on the door, she watches me with sad eyes.

I smile, then turn to leave. My heart shatters into a thousand pieces.

It’s better this way. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.

* * *

The long goodbye is longer than I ever anticipated.

I feel a mixture of emotions the day she departs. I go over to her house before her parents drive her to the airport. They’ve always been cool about me, even if they more than likely disapprove of my family’s lifestyle. They don’t seem to pose me as a threat, though, especially after that night I took her to the hospital. Her dad even pulled me aside to thank me for being there.

We all know her leaving is for the best, but it doesn’t feel like that after she’s gone. I want to kiss her again, I want to pull her into my arms and tell her that I love her, that I will always love her. I’ve never stopped.

But since she’s moving across the country, what good is that going to do?

I want to be the guy who does the right thing for a change and thinks of someone else before myself, which also would be a first. I can’t be selfish with her. I can’t wrap her in my arms and keep her safe right under my nose like I want to. I have to do it from miles away.

I will have people watching her, and she will never know. I’ll be discreet.