Thank you our loyal readers who begged for this story. It is the final book in the Medici saga and we hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as we did writing it. Thank you for all your support, we are forever grateful.
Thank you to our wonderful Alpha reader: Michelle (the outgoing bookworm) as well as our Beta reader Jennifer M.
Thank you Alana Frank (thenovelassistant) our PA for everything you do for us, especially keeping that whip cracking!
Special thanks to Savannah Richey for another beautiful book cover, this whole series of covers has been on point – we love them all!
High fives for our Street team and all our amazing bloggers who make and share posts, read and review and spread the word, you guys are awesome!
Thank you to those of you on the ARC team who continue to blow us away with your amazingness
Stay tuned for more news on our plans to release Aleksi Petrov’s story in 2024. All will be revealed in the coming months, so if you’re not on our social medias, now is the time to join!
Check out our links below to follow us on social media and keep up with our latest book news as well as Mackenzy’s motorcycle romance series, Bracken Ridge Rebels MC and the highly anticipated spin-off NOLA Rebels MC.
Love from Australia, Mackenzy and Dakotah x
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Check out Steel: Book 1 in the Bracken Ridge Rebels MC
Bracken Ridge Arizona, where the Rebels M.C. rule and the only thing they ride or die for more than their club is their women, this is Steel’s story.
I haven’t beenin Bracken Ridge Arizona for very long, but I’ve been around long enough to know that nice girls don’t belong in this bar.