Rocco chuckles. “You remember what it was like, Fynn, to sleep soundlessly all night?”
I give them a look. “Just because you two are too afraid to take the plunge into fatherhood in case you get bags under your eyes.”
The guys laugh.
Rocco looks confused. “I don’t have the patience for babies.” We all curb our swearing around the little ones. Even Roc.
At that precise moment, Charlie comes racing into the room with Bear close on his heels, as they circle each other around, playing chase.
“These two are enough for me.” He looks down at them proudly.
Charlie stops to give him a nudge and a press on the leg with his paws, then they take off again.
I see Luna dart past on their heels, trying to catch little Chester, who is usually last because he’s the smallest.
Luna has been good with the babies. She’s curious about everyone and everything. Having her around since before Sage was even pregnant has brought her along for the ride, and she loves the twins.
Marco just shakes his head. “We’re enjoying life just us for a while… I’m sure you don’t even remember what that’s like,” he says, knowing every word is true. He can see it on my tired face.
“Your time could be next,” Sage’s dad, John says. We all know Marco and Katiya will have kids one day, no matter what he says.
Marco gives him a sly smile.
“It’s all worth it,” I tell him as I move Serafina over to my other side. These babies get heavy after a while.
“Well, fatherhood looks good on you,” Angelo says as he raises his glass. “Let’s all toast to that, and to the women who made it all possible.”
“I’ll drink to that.” I second with a nod.
“This is one hell of a family.” John raises his glass. He’s always been cool with all of us and accepted me with open arms. He dotes on his grandkids.
“I’m in.” Dante is all smiles. He’s just happy he got five minutes peace while his little girl is out sleeping and the women are busy in the kitchen.
“I can’t say no.” Enzo shrugs, lifting his glass.
Our sister has never been happier.
“The joys are yet to come, brother,” I muse to Angelo.
He grins back at me.
“Cheers from the doggie daddy.” Rocco throws his five cents worth in, and we all laugh in unison.
“We all must be fucking crazy.” Marco raises his in the middle, and we all hold our glasses up, keeping them there for a cheers.
“That we are,” Angelo muses. “Salute,” he adds, and we all repeat it in unison, clinking our glasses together.
We made it this far and we’ve all come out the other end. Every last one of us.
We made it.
To see the men I admire the most all here with me, with their women and families and fur babies, makes me feel like the happiest guy in the world.
“Salute!” We chime once more.
* * *
The End.