It’s been a long time coming, that’s all I know. But just for the moment, while things are slowly building, I want to take this time for us. To work out what we really are. Even though I know that Fynn is probably shouting it from the rooftops as we speak. The thought makes me chuckle.

“There you go again,” she muses, pursing her lips as she narrows her eyes on me. Her eyes are bright blue, and laser sharp. I think chunky glasses make her look like a complete geek, but she wears it well.

I look at her, stunned. Maybe she’s psychic.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, hoping she’ll drop it.

“That look.” She points at me, then she lowers her voice. “And I hate to break it to you, but Fynn kind of said something to his brothers.”

I slap my hand over my mouth, my eyes going wide. I knew it.

“He did?”

“Yes, and he seemed very pleased about it.” She smiles warmly.

“Typical Fynn, always shooting his mouth off.”

“I think it’s really sweet that you guys got back together. It’s obvious to me that he’s nuts about you.”

“It is?”

She nods, beaming happily. “Yes, his eyes light up whenever he talks about you. I knew a while back, he was interested. It’s not like he hid the fact you’re the only woman in the room he’s got eyes for.”

A surge of pride and happiness blooms through me. If Sloane has noticed, then others must have too.

I wonder what his ma will think. Maria and I have always gotten along. She’s like a second mom to me, and I think she’d be over the moon to learn that Fynn and I are getting back together.

“I wish he’d at least let us figure things out first,” I grumble.

She shakes her head, smiling as she sips on her drink. “Well, I think by tonight, every single Medici woman is going to know that you guys are a thing.”

I sigh. “The Medici men gossip more than any woman I’ve ever met.”

She chuckles again. “Tell me about it. Marco wasn’t happy about us getting together, but Angelo wore him down. These men definitely love their women, and they protect us all.”

“Is that the line Angelo used when he hired you?”

“He was nothing like what I had imagined. And yes, I saw how he was with his staff, his family, friends, how he treated the people close to him and I knew he was a good guy deep down,” she says. “I knew then that I wanted to be a part of this world. It took me a little bit of time to realize that the mafia in this city aren’t like they are in the movies. I’m always going to be a hacker, it’s what I do, and this way, I get to do what I love and keep the city safe. It’s a win-win.”

I look at her with admiration. I can’t imagine anyone who’s been asked to work for the mob, and a notorious crime family, would sound so positive about the experience.

But that’s who the Medicis are. I know that firsthand.

“They are a special family,” I agree. “And I can’t imagine what you have to go through to get information, which must take a great deal of patience and skill.”

She shrugs like it’s nothing. “I learned a lot from some not-so ethical people,” she says with a conspirator’s wink. “Though I got into hacking to do good, not to rob or fraud people. I worked for the Bank of America for a while and Charles Schwab in their cybercrime department.”

“Wow, that sounds so CSI.”

“Trust me, it’s nowhere near as exciting.”

An arm slinks around mine and Sloan’s shoulders. “What are you two whispering about over here?” Valentina asks. “Mia is going to open some presents.”

“How about some food first?” Bianca groans, coming up beside me. “I’m hungover and I need something greasy.”

I smile, remembering those days when I was younger. Not that I’ve been much of a drinker, a couple of times in my life I’ve had my head down the toilet.

The amount of teenagers’ stomachs I’ve pumped over the years would make your head spin.