“I’d like to point out I had no idea that the grand plan was to kill Angelo,” Sloane says, straightening her back and adjusting her glasses. “I don’t delve into death and destruction, unlike the rest of you.”

“Touché,” I snort.

“She’s a feisty little thing.” Dante laughs.

“Why do you think I hired her?” Angelo muses. “She’s not afraid of any one of us.”

She blows us a kiss from across the room and goes back to ignoring us again.

Angelo points at me. “I need you to hang around Flutes, make sure the ladies are all right, and before you argue, you can catch up on some work. The accountant needs the figures, like yesterday.”

I roll my eyes. Angelo knows I’ll get to it when I can. I’ve been too busy trying to look out for Sage to bother with petty things like working. It’s not like the paperwork can’t wait.

“Of course,” I say, having no intention of working while I spy on the women. The best thing to do when it comes to my brother's demands is just go with it.



Everyone is excitedwhen we meet at Flutes, the French restaurant located in the casino. Like everything in this hotel, it’s opulent and over the top, but has a certain charm to it that feels comfortable.

Time didn’t permit to get Mia anything too fancy for the baby since it turned into an early baby shower at the last minute, so I wandered down to one of the many gift shops and got her a couple of things and a voucher for maternity wear.

She’s only just past three months, so she’s not even showing.

Everyone is smiling and happy as we hug.

I like seeing all the women, ma, Valentina and her friend Bianca. As well as Katiya, Rayne, Sloane, and Mia’s friends, Caroline and Ashley, who came up from New York.

With everything going on lately, we all need a day to relax, and Rayne just announced she’s booked a spa day afterwards for facials and pedicures, which I’m a little excited about.

My arm isn’t too bad this morning. Somehow, I forgot about all the pain, but Fynn might have something to do with that.

He loves me.

I just keep hearing it over and over again and it makes me feel like I’m floating on a cloud.

In fact, I can’t wipe the smile off my face.

“How are you?” Sloane asks after we embrace. “I heard about what happened.”

I smile softly. “It was a lot.”

“Everything within the Medici empire is a lot.”

“Isn’t that the truth.”

I wore a long-sleeve dress to cover up the bandage and my cuts from yesterday. Today is about Mia, and we don’t need any reminders of the danger going on around us. Other than a little bit of a headache, and the soreness from Fynn and I screwing all night, I’m feeling good.

“You just look… glowing.”

I try not to let the redness rise in my cheeks.

Is it obvious?

“It's probably just the heating,” I say. It is warm in here, but I doubt she buys it.

Sloane seems genuinely interested in my well-being. If it were Valentina, she would be peppering me with questions that I honestly don’t have the answers to.