“I agree,” she says. “So much has been going on lately, it’s hard to keep up. But you know Angelo, he has all bases covered.”
That’s what I’m afraid of.
“Yeah, when I think back over the last six months, they’ve been in the news a lot.”
“I know,” she says in a conspiratorial whisper. “And we need to talk about that, because you’re involved too to some degree. That’s why we all need to get together, us girls.”
I’m not on Angelo’s payroll and I never will be. But she’s not wrong. I am involved.
“To talk shop? Or to do shots?”
“Both. But now you mention it, Angelo has been very cagey lately. He’s got us all under lock and key, with bodyguards following us everywhere and him getting all of our daily schedules sent to him. Something is definitely up.”
Ever since the Triads opened fire in their restaurant, Provençal, and tried to shoot Sloane, along with Valentina and Bianca, Angelo’s been wanting to lock everybody up and throw away the key. I can see the stress on his face.
Rocco managed to save the girls, getting them out of the way in time, but still, opening fire in a restaurant in the middle of the day with other patrons? Things are not just bad, they’re nuclear.
Having security like this, it’s news to me and it only spells more trouble on the horizon. “Shit, Val, this is not good.”
At the same time my phone starts to buzz, and I see it’s Fynn calling.
“Your brother's calling,” I tell her.
“You need to answer!”
“No… I can call him back, what else do you know?”
“Angelo says he’s taking precautions. You would think that since I’m living with Enzo, I would be perfectly safe in his eyes… but now I need to have one of his guys follow my every move until we get the okay. God knows when that will be.”
“Well, given what we know about Provençal, I can hardly say I blame him.”
“What?” she half shrieks. “Do you actually agree with him?”
“If Angelo is worried, then it should be taken seriously, at least until Angelo gets things in order again.”
She sighs like she disagrees. “I guess it’s better than being in lockdown at Fortress or the casino, though I wouldn’t put it past him. You know what an overprotective ass Angelo is, not that any of my brothers are much better.”
“Only too well,” I agree. To say Angelo Medici is protective of his family is the biggest understatement of the year.
He’s over-protective, and he trusts nobody other than his immediate circle.
He’s the most powerful man in this city.
I’ve been through and seen so much over the years, I know how people are. I know from the patients that get brought in everyday, the world is far from rosy out there.
There’s violence and unspeakable acts, a dark undercurrent to the human race. It’s fresh and alive in my face every day. Just when I think I’ve seen it all… another one comes in.
“So if I can set up the deets, you’re in for this weekend? It will probably be at the casino, since we’re not allowed out at night.”
“Fine by me.” The last thing anyone needs is another unprovoked attack or a car bombing to go along with it.
“Good.” She sounds pleased. There’s a pause.
I wait for it… 3, 2, 1…
“So, you and Fynn… I need the details…”
I shake my head. “There are no details, Val. I was starving, and he was trying to be nice, for once.”