Can he really just give all of that up?
So many questions.
All I know is that the answers will come in time.
I haven't heard from Fynn for a few days. So I figure he’s either giving me space, or he’s up to something with the rest of the Medici brothers.
I’ve also been talking to Mia, not just to check up on her physically, but to see how she’s doing.
As I look down at my phone after getting out of the shower, I smile when I see Valentina’s name flashing on the screen. She’s Fynn’s little sister, and the youngest of the Medicis. We’ve stayed in touch over the years and often catch up and have lunch.
“You guys finally made it out for a date?” she asks before I can even say hello.
This is Valentina, straight into it.
“Hello to you too,” I muse. “Good news travels fast…”
“Can’t help what you hear through the grapevine.”
“Well, your grapevine is incorrect. It wasn’t a date. I was there to accept an apology from your douchebag brother, and I was hungry.” Lame excuse, but it’s all I have.
“It’s about time someone called Fynn out,” she says with a laugh. “He gets away with way too much.”
Tell me about it.
“I doubt I’m going to be the one to set him on the straight and narrow.”
She laughs. “You know he’s always loved you, I don’t think he ever got over you.”
“Was this the purpose of your call?” I sigh, hoping to steer the conversation away from Fynn.
“As soon as I heard, I had to get it straight from the horse's mouth.”
I can’t help but laugh. “Get what from the horse's mouth?”
“Never mind… how have you been? I haven’t seen you in ages.”
“Yeah, work is kinda crazy,” I say, tiredness hitting me. “How are you and Enzo doing?” They certainly made waves when they got together not long ago. Valentina took him to a friend's wedding as a chaperone, orchestrated and insisted upon by Angelo, and they started a steamy love affair instead. Now they are both completely smitten. They got the nod from Angelo eventually when it all came out in the open. I believe a few fists were thrown to get to the stage they’re at now, but that’s Angelo for you. Always the protector.
“As badass as ever.” She giggles.
I can just see the smile on her face. “We should get together soon.”
“Yes! That’s why I called you when I heard about your date with Fynn. I think we should get together with the other Medici women.”
I balk. “Umm… it wasn’t a date, and I’m not a Medici woman,” I remind her.
“Minor details.”
“When were you thinking of getting together?”
“Maybe this weekend? I’d have to check with the girls, Kat, Mia, Rayne and Sloane.”
“Sounds good.” I pause. “Do you happen to know anything about what they’reinvolved in lately?”
“The boys?”
“Yeah. I mean, I attended to Dante just the other day after…” I don’t want to say too much over the phone about him being shot, as I know that can be dangerous. “Well, we know what happened. It’s had me a bit on edge that’s all. I worry about them.”