Stefano was born eight minutes before Serafina. We waited until the birth to find out the sex of the babies.

Words couldn’t express how we both felt in the delivery room when the doctors announced we had a little boy… and a little girl.

Dante always jokes we got two for the price of one.

Twins obviously run in the family, but I never imagined it would be me to keep up with the tradition.

I feel like the luckiest bastard alive. Even when they keep us awake all night. Being a father changed everything. There is nothing I won’t do for my little tribe.

Seeing their faces, their tiny hands and toes, their little lives totally dependent on us, it made me weep like I’ve never wept before. It is by far my greatest achievement.

We got married a few months after we learned Sage was pregnant. I wanted to make it official and get a ring on her finger before we got too busy. It was a very small, intimate affair, with just our closest family and friends. We were married in a small church near the Charles, close to the casino, and had our reception at the water-view cafe, Flutes, where Mia had her baby shower.

We’ve never looked back.

Angelo promoted me to Operations Manager of our club venues and restaurants, as Dante spends all his time now in the real estate game with Marco when he’s not at the casino. I spend my time going from all of our venues and making sure everything is running smoothly and all of our managers are doing what they are supposed to do. I spend a lot of my time with Dante though, because his job is way more interesting than mine. We’re as close as ever. He was the first to become a Medici daddy and hasn’t he taken to that like a duck to water. I’m fucking proud of him.

Angelo and Rayne named their baby Luca, and he’s already crawling around.

Ma is beyond thrilled to finally have grandbabies to spoil. She’s in her absolute element and will do just about anything to babysit, which is nice when we need a break and I can give Sage a date night.

We’re having a big family get together today, all the Medicis, plus Sage’s family as well as Enzo, Rocco and Sloane, plus the dogs.

Sage and I slip in a quickie before all of that happens. That’s all we get lately.

When the twins sleep, we try to make time for ourselves. And most of the time, we feel like we’re teenagers again, just waiting for our parents to catch us.

“Everyone is going to be here soon,” she tells me as I lay on top of her.

Sweat beads off our skin after I just drove her into the mattress.

“Yeah, that’s why we needed to let off some steam,baby cakes. Make up for what’s about to happen.”

She laughs.

We’re still joined, and I could spend my life like this, in bed with her, wrapped around each other. I’m loving her body postpartum; I can’t even deal with her curves. It makes me want to put a baby straight back in there, but Sage has said a hard no to babies so close together.

I can dream, though.

“I’m not sure if your Ma would appreciate that. She’s bringing half of the supplies around.”

“All in good time,” I breathe into her neck. “She won’t be here for a while. We’ve got a little more time.”

She wriggles underneath me. “This is kinda nice, having some time to ourselves,” she admits.

“Tell me about it.” We have very little quiet in our lives these days, so whenever we can grab these moments, we go for it. Nine times out of ten, it’s sex, but sometimes we get to have dinner or a glass of wine. “How about I run the shower and I do you up against the tiles, Mrs. Medici?”

She laughs as I pull out of her.

I lean up on my elbows, looking down at her. “You think that’s funny?”

“I love the way you say Mrs. Medici.”

“Don’t forget it,” I muse, palming her breasts with both hands.

“You’re obsessed with these,” she says, glancing down. “Even more than before.”

“Can you blame me?” I run my thumbs over her sensitive nipples, and she shivers.