“It’s showtime, Sage. Are you ready?”

“What are you going to do?” I mutter quietly.

He sighs. “I told you. I’m going to make you watch while I take them all down. You’re the only one I haven’t had the pleasure of messing with yet. Seems fitting that Fynn has just found the love of his life, and I get to take it all away.”

“You’re sick,” I tell him, the words stumbling out before I can even stop them.

He laughs and shakes his head. “I see you have some spirit left in you. That’s good. You’re going to need it.”

“So if you’re going to kill them all, what’s the point in me being compliant? We’re all dead anyway, right?”

He grins as the elevator reaches the ground floor. “Where would be the fun in that now, Miss Massachusetts General.” He pushes me forward before I can say anything else.

I wonder if he’s found a way into the CCTV footage, or did he just blatantly walk in here and think he’d go unnoticed? It’s not like anyone is looking for him…

Hope blooms deep within me that Fynn will come looking for me and see I’m not in my room. I try to hold on to it as he steers me toward the stairs. If they know I’m missing, they can track my phone.

The scary thing is, he seems to know the casino a little too well.

No one is ever going to see us in the stairwell as we descend.

“Remember what I said… no looking up or around, keep your eyes forward.” He turns, then holds out his hand. “I’ll be needing your phone.”

“Asshole,” I mutter as I pull my phone from my small purse and hand it to him. He smashes it on the floor, then stomps on it with his foot as I shriek.

I can’t help but think that this is all going to end badly. I’ve only just reconnected with Fynn, and our time together is so very precious.

Was it really only this morning that I woke up in his arms after our long, passionate night in his giant bed.

I just have to wonder, why now?

Why does he hate them so much?

The Medicis have no idea. I mean, how could they?

I vow to myself that even if it costs me everything, I’m going to get out of this.

I don’t want to be a brave dead woman, but there has to be something we’ve all been missing. There has to be a way to get a clue to them… I think fast, then my eyes light up. I have my beeper in my purse. It’s always on. The only way they’d have to find me is that damn thing.

They’re going to know I’m missing soon enough, but it may be too late.

They’re not even going to believe this one, not in a million years. Especially Angelo…


They’remyfamily, and I have to do whatever it is I can to protect them.

* * *



“What doyou fucking mean she hasn’t been seen for over an hour?” I stand with my hands on my hips, staring at Dante. I don’t mean to yell at anyone, but it’s been over an hour since the girls dispersed from the restaurant, and there’s no sign of Sage anywhere.

She also isn’t answering her cell, and she’s not up in the suite. I already checked.

“I’ll get security on it,” Marco says, moving quickly to grab the in-house phone to call the security room. “She can’t be far away. Maybe she’s down at one of the stores.”