“All this time?” I run my hands through my hair. That isn’t like Sage at all.

She texted me after lunch to say she was coming back up to the suite, and I texted back all the dirty things I was going to do to her… but that message wasn’t read. There’s no way she would have gone shopping all this time.

I feel something bad in my bones, and I’m not even superstitious.

I hate this fucking feeling.

At the same time Angelo walks back in, Sloane comes running in behind him, a little out of breath. I’ve never seen Sloane run anywhere.

Angelo turns to look at her and raises his eyebrows. Then he looks at me.

“What’s going on?”

“There’s been a security breach,” Sloane says, grabbing onto the chair, trying to catch her breath. “I came back earlier from lunch to check something out. I couldn’t get in contact with you, so I went back to check something, and I just noticed—”

“What the fuck do you mean?” I bark, just as Marco gets off the phone and comes toward us, looking less than impressed.

“What?” His face is immediately angry.

“And Sage is missing,” I say, running a hand through my hair.

“There was an attempted hack into our security cameras just now,” Sloane goes on, panting.

“What do you mean by an attempted hack?” Angelo barks. “And what the fuck is going on with Sage?”

“She hasn’t made it back from lunch,” I tell him. “She isn’t answering her cell. Something bad has happened, Angelo, I can fucking feel it.”

“We don’t know that,” Dante tries to tell me calmly. “The girls are coming down to tell us what they know.”

“Security are doing a sweep of the entire casino, restaurants, and shops as we speak,” Marco says.

“We need to get the footage of her leaving Flutes!” I rasp out angrily. “Why the fuck wasn’t security on her when she left?”

“They were guarding the restaurant,” Angelo says, “I wasn’t having each guy follow the girls inside the casino grounds. They weren’t going anywhere except to lunch and back up to the suites.”

“Fuck’s sake.” I run my hands through my hair and tug at it, my chest tightening.

“We’ll go look at the footage.” Marco nods, leading the way down to the back control room, since it’s on the same wing as the offices.

Sloane totters behind us in her heels, explaining the attempt on the security cameras lasted for around two minutes. She isn’t sure yet if there are any black spots.

“Heads are gonna fucking roll if they’ve intercepted our security,” Angelo assures her. “For the amount we invest into our security here, there’s no room for black spots.”

“Hackers are getting more and more cavalier,” Sloane tries to tell him diplomatically. “Nothing is full proof, unfortunately. We have the best security and software money can buy…”

“And staff, apparently.” He gives her a look, and she closes her mouth.

Rocco rounds the corner with Enzo, just as we reach the control room.

“Just heard,” Rocco says, giving Sloane a chin lift. She folds into his arms as I try not to pace.

“They’re running the footage now as we speak,” Enzo says. He looks at me. “If something has happened, Fynn, we’re going to find her.”

I nod. I can’t afford it any other way. I can’t fucking lose her.

I wish this bad, bad feeling in my gut would fuck off. It’s not helping matters.

I try her cell again, to no avail, and that just makes me even more angry.