Page 122 of Fortress of the Soul

I know they are both scared and quite shaken up; I just have to hope that it’s true what Valentina says and Bianca will keep this to herself. We don’t want the police getting involved. The girls have grown up together, so to some degree Bianca understands mob business, not that she has ever been directly involved with any of it. This is as close as it’s ever come to her, and quite frankly, it’s too close for my liking.

I can’t help but fucking wonder who the finger even belongs to, and more importantly what it has to do with any of us. All I hope is that it isn’t someone of importance to Valentina.

The feeling in my gut isn’t a good one, and I know from the look on Valentina’s face that she feels it too. She isn’t an idiot.

“Have you spoken to Angelo recently?” Valentina asks, as we take some boxes to her car after she’s packed up her computer and grabbed the files she needs.

I nod my head. “Yes and I need to inform him about this too. All this shit seems to be never-ending lately.” It seems we just got over the Rayne and Angelo debacle with people being bribed, lied to, and be pulled every which way possible. Then some douche Katiya knew had to be taken care of because of his illicit dealings in the underworld, and now this. I guess it’s true that it seems like there will always be something, or some grudge being held against us.

“Now I’m probably going to be on house arrest.” Valentina sighs.

“Probably,” I concede. “But better that than anything else bad going down.”

For once, she doesn’t argue or disagree with me. I think she is well and truly too shaken up for that. This is some serious fucking shit.

We drive over to the casino to set up her temporary office, and Bianca follows us with Santino to drop off her stuff too before she goes home to collect some things.

“I know you’re scared, Valentina, but everything is going to be okay. You know that, right?” I ask her as I drive.

She nods, but bites her lip nervously.

“We’re going to get to the bottom of it.” I show her the photos before we take off for the hospital.

“Holy shit,” she says to me. “This is insane.”

“I showed Angelo the uncompromising photos, not the other ones, of course. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before he finds out. And I don’t want him to find out like this.”

“We’ll come clean like we said we would,” she agrees. “I meant what I said. I want us to have a proper chance at this. I hope it won’t take Angelo too long to come around to the idea.”

“I hope I’m still alive.” I sigh.

She elbows me. “Enzo, don’t talk like that. We have to believe it’s going to be okay. Otherwise, what was it all for?”

“I know,belladonna, I know.” I reach over to kiss her before I put the car into gear.

When I glance up out of the windshield, I freeze as I see Rocco standing there. He’s with Charlie, again. He’s holding the dogs lead while Sir Charles takes a leak in the bushes. My windows are tinted, so I have no idea if he just saw us kiss, though it’s very highly doubtful.

I’ve no fucking clue what possessed me to kiss her in the parking lot, right here in view of the world.Fucking lust. Even in a crisis, I still want every inch of her.

He has sunglasses on and is looking in our direction, but I’m not sure where his eyes are situated.

“Shit.” Valentina sees too and turns her head to look at me. “Do you think he saw us?”

I shake my head. “I doubt it with these tinted windows.”

“But still…?”

“No buts. He’s taking his newfound friend out for a toilet break by the looks of things, that’s all it is.” I put the car into reverse and back out of the lot swiftly, shaking my head. That was a rookie mistake on my part, but I don’t want to panic her even further. Rocco saw nothing, and even if he did, it’s none of his fucking business. “I don’t want you worrying about anything,” I add.

She glances at me and nods, but doesn’t say anything.

It’s almost as if we both know there is a storm brewing, but neither of us wants to admit it.

As much as I don’t want to even think in that direction, I feel the storm becoming more turbulent.

I hope to fucking God I’m wrong.