Page 121 of Fortress of the Soul

“I’m so scared, E. What if something happens to her?”

I shake my head. “Not going to happen. We’ve organized around the clock security until she’s released.”

She lets out a breath. “What have they asked for?”

“That isn’t your concern.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because we both know you’re on a need-to-know basis. I didn’t want to put you into a state of panic either.”

“Well, that clearly didn’t work.”

“Val, I didn’t need you worrying. That’s my job.”

“Why do you think this is happening?”

I sigh and run my hand through my hair. I will show her the photos that were sent to me later, when we’re on our own away from here. “I don’t know, Val. I’m trying to figure that out myself.”

Bianca walks back in, so we leave it at that for the time being. She does look a little pale herself and quite shaken up. All totally understandable.

“Are you okay?” I ask Bianca.

She nods her head. “I will be. Do you know who would do something like this?”

I shake my head. “That’s what we’re trying to find out. I’m sorry you both had to see something like that.”

“Is this some kind of vendetta?” she asks, giving Valentina the side eye. “Piss anyone off lately?”

Valentina shakes her head. “Not that I’m aware of.”

“It’s easy for me to say this; I’m not the one who it was directed at,” I say. “But neither of you have anything to worry about. Until this is all cleared up, you’ll both be relocating to the casino.”

“I think that’s a good idea.” Bianca nods. “I think I will definitely feel safer there.”

“You’re welcome to stay at the casino, Bianca, if you would prefer?”

“It might be for the best for the moment,” Valentina agrees, looking at her friend.

“Am I in danger?” Bianca asks.

“I don’t think it’s directed at you, more so Valentina. But it’s best to be on the safe side.”

“All right, it’s fine by me.” She shrugs. “I’ll just need to go and collect some things from home.”

“You can come with us, if you like,” Valentina says. “But I’m going to the hospital as well, so we might be a little while.”

“Santino or Rocco can escort you home to collect your things,” I offer. “Up to you.”

“I don’t mind tagging along, but I don’t want to hold you guys up. If Santino wouldn't mind coming along with me, I’d feel safer.”

“You don’t like Rocco?” I tilt my head to the side curiously.

She laughs a little under her breath. “No offense, but that guy scares the shit out of me.”

I nod with a laugh, understanding. “Yes, he does to most people, don’t worry.”

I’m glad Bianca is cool with the arrangement and that she will also be safe. Having to worry about Bianca as well would only add to the list of ever-growing problems. I think it’s better since she lives alone to be where there’s security, and then she only has to come down the elevator for work until this all blows over. And I am hoping that will be sooner rather than later.