“You mean the Italian sausage?” Maggie tips her head back, laughing like she is the most hilarious person in the world, and most of the time, she is.

“Is that all you girls think about?” I cajole along with them, because quite frankly, I want to know what Enzo is packing too. If those sexy, tight boxers were anything to go by this morning, along with that whole pressing into my ass thing… then I know for sure the devil is in the details.

“Of course!” Grace exclaims, and I can’t help but laugh.

Sarah gives me a nudge. “Come on, Val, give us something. He’s hot in bed, right? He would have to be.”

I sigh and bite my lip. I really need to fess up that I’ve never slept with the guy, but right now, I don’t know how to break that to them.

“It’s not like you to hold back.” Maggie shakes her head. “Don’t be shy now.”

I shake my head. “It’s not that… he is just different to anyone else.”

“Yeah, a hellcat.” Grace laughs.

“Sex-on-a-stick,” Maggie tacks on.

These girls are insatiable as they hover in for more details.

“We need a snippet, Valentina, it’s my wedding day!” Sarah pulls out the big guns.

“All right, all right, pushy much all of you.” I shake my head, but it’s in good humor. “I will say this and only this, for the time being… Enzo is completely loaded south of the border, I can’t even deal. And when he colors, he barely stays in the lines.”

They all squeal in unison, and we clink our glasses in the air.



I sitin the back with a baseball cap pulled down low and dark shades on. From this angle, I can see the table, or rather, Valentina, and not be noticed.

A gaggle of girls arrive as I order coffee and a bagel.

I’m not usually such an early riser, which comes as a surprise to some. I suppose in my line of work, people assume you can work anyhours of the day on little sleep, but that’s never been the case with me.

It stems back to when I was a child and my upbringing… not that I want to think about that right now. That, or my father and what he put us through, but he is the reason for all the fucked up things I now carry around with me everywhere. Haunting me. And each and every day, I have to fight to keep it under control.

I never want to be like him.

A fucking drunk.

A man who couldn’t keep his hands off my mother, and not in a good way, like a doting husband should, but in ways that will forever haunt my soul.

Sometimes it feels like I’m trapped in that space, time, and reality, and there is no escape from it.

My coffee and bagel arrive, and I thank the waitress.

When she moves, I glance up and see Valentina laughing as she sits around the table with her friends.

She’s wearing a long dress, which, thankfully, covers all of her.

I had enough of an eye full last night and then again this morning in her little sleeping shorts.

Her making suggestive noises and checking me out was more than enough to get my dick hard again, and I don't want to even admit to myself what I did last night alone in my bed.

And she was the cause.
