“That’s unfortunate, especially on a day like today. I’m sure we’ll be drinking champagne cocktails at brunch.”

“You should pace yourself with that.”

“One champagne and orange juice isn’t going to kill me.” I sigh. I wonder if he’s going to be this difficult all day long.

“I didn’t say it was. I’m just saying, it’s a big day.”

“Will you have a drink with me at the wedding?” I flutter my lashes on purpose while he ignores the jibe.

“Most definitely not.”

“Enzo, you’re turning into a real bore… by the way… work out much?”

He takes a moment to register what I just said and glances down at himself. “I should put some damned clothes on,” he mutters.

“By all means, stay as you are. I don’t mind the view.”

He gives me a withering look as he turns and walks back toward the open doors. I get a full-frontal view of him and once again. I’m liking what I see.

Blowing my cheeks up with air, I sip on my almost cold coffee. There is seriously nothing hotter than Enzo wearing just his boxers, even if he did frown most of the time. He didn’t even try to cover himself, which is perfectly fine with me. I’ll take that view over the grassy fields any day of the week.

I should have known he’d be a full-blown hottie under all those clothes. Enzo Russo does not disappoint on any level… only the one where he’s being a spoilsport and won’t let me flirt with him off duty, but I’ll let that slide for now.

I go and get myself ready for brunch. It’s a fun, casual affair before the big prep of the day.

I throw on a salmon-colored maxi dress and curl my hair. I hear Enzo next door, moving around and then running the shower.

It’s strange living in such close proximity to him, even if it is a hotel room. I’m certainly not opposed to it, especially after what I just saw on display outside.

We drive to brunch with very little conversation, as it seems it takes Enzo most of the morning to warm up. It’s kind of amusing seeing this side to him.

He leaves me at the door and departs around the side to find more coffee and presumably stalk me from afar.

The girls are in full swing by the time I get inside. There’s a long table set out for us, with the most beautiful silverware and fine china. Plates of pastries and fruit kebabs have already been laid out in the middle. Sarah is beaming from ear to ear and looking ever the glowing bride-to-be.

She gives me a big hug when she sees me and makes sure I’m acquainted with a champagne cocktail within two seconds. Maggie and Grace swiftly follow in her wake.

“My God, Valentina!” Maggie squeals as we clink glasses and wait for some of the other girlsto arrive.

I raise my eyebrows at her as I sip my champagne, wondering if Enzo is anywhere in sight. Not that I can see him, but that doesn’t mean he’s not there.

“That dish of a man you were with last night, you need to spill, and you need to spill now!”

I laugh, thinking about the events of the last twelve hours or so, and that spectacle this morning when he was half asleep that I just can’t get past. “What can I tell you girls?”

“Umm… everything!” Grace cries. “I can’t believe you kept this from your besties.”

“It’s all new. I don’t even know what we are.” I don’t want to lie to them about Enzo, and I certainly have not thought that part through. “Honestly, he’s more here to look after me. You know what my brothers are like.”

“I bet he is looking after you.Wink!” Sarah laughs. “And stop being so modest, he’s mad about you. He couldn’t keep his eyes or his paws off you all night.”

“Toby was absolutely green with envy,” Grace adds with a nod. “It didn’t go unnoticed.”

Little do they know that was the point, or that Enzo hammed it up just a little bit. I will confess all to my best friends after the wedding.

“Well, he had his chance.” I sigh. “Anyway… enough of me, it’s Sarah’s day.” I give her a big smile.

Sarah laughs. “It might be my day, sweet cheeks, but I wanna know how much Enzo is packing before we even get anywhere near brunch.”