Just to be super, crystal clear, I add, “If you, um, want to try anything kinky or, you know, where you’re in charge? Like, anything at all? I’m pretty sure we’re both completely open to that.”

Our sex life actually hasn’t been that kinky up until now, even though it’s been great, but it’s not for lack of interest. More like, neither one of us could get that into taking the dominant role that we both seem to crave being on the receiving end of.

Yaz nods emphatically. “I’ve been a big fan of the new things we’ve tried so far.”

Henry laughs, low and sexy. “Oh, I know you have, little girl, but I do think there are some differences we should discuss. And if I’m wrong about anything, I need to know.”

“Like what?” Yaz asks.

He runs his hand down her long, wavy hair, then wraps it around his fist and tugs, making her gasp. “Like the fact that you seem to want a little erotic pain with your pleasure, sweetheart.”

“Yes, Daddy,” she whispers, her eyes already going a little glazed as she sways toward him.

I swallow hard. He’s right. How did he know? It’s something I’ve… well, suspected. Seen hints of, even. But no matter how many of those hints to go a little harder, a little rougher, she’s dropped for me, I just haven’t been able to bring myself to do it.

Daddy turns to me. “And you, sweet boy...” I tense up, but he just cups my jaw without doing anything painful, his eyes going soft and warm as he continues. “You’ll have fun getting spanked, but just enough to get you off, not enough to really hurt. You could take it if you had to, but what you really need is something different, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, uh, I don’t think I really want to be, uh, used hard,” I say, flushing with embarrassment. “Not that I don’t like fucking, um, you know, enthusiastically, but—”

“So enthusiastically,” Yaz cuts in, reaching around Daddy to squeeze my hand. “God, Daddy, he’s so good in bed.”

Henry raises an eyebrow. “I have no doubt, but what did I say about interrupting?”

“Sorry, Daddy,” she says, her eyes sparkling in a way that tells me she’s really not and won’t mind at all if Daddy decides to correct her for that again, “But Cade should be cherished, okay?” she goes on in a hot rush, “I can be your dirty little slut—”

“Jesus, Yaz,” I groan, shifting as my dick swells and barely managing to keep my hands off it.

I’d never be comfortable calling her that, but okay, fine, it’s still hot to hear.

She laughs. “But like I was saying, Cade should be taken care of.”

“I’ll take care of both of you,” Daddy says, giving her a stern look that makes her squirm. “That’s my job. Can you both agree to that and remember that I’m in charge?”

“Yes, Daddy,” we answer together again, as if we’ve been doing this forever.

“Jesus, so fucking perfect.” He inhales sharply, then gives a decisive nod. “Before we begin, safety first. I’m negative, but will be using a condom for penetrative sex tonight, because part of taking care of you both will be getting newly tested before I fill you both with my cum.”

“Oh fuck,” I groan, my ass clenching in a way that has me panting. Yaz fingers me sometimes, but I haven’t been properly fucked in years.

Her eyes are blown wide too, and she licks her lips and nods. “Yes, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy. But… but can I still have Cade’s cum, please? We haven’t used condoms in forever, and we’re both negative, too. We’ve been exclusive since the beginning.”

“And she’s got an IUD,” I volunteer, giving in and reaching down to squeeze my erection when it starts to throb. “Yaz loves being stuffed full of cum.”

Fucking everywhere.

“Hands off, sweet boy,” Daddy snaps, making my cock throb even harder.

“Yes, Daddy,” I whisper, liking the way his gaze heats up when I obey him almost as much as I like the stomach-squirming feel of having him take charge like that.

“That’s my good boy,” he says in a tone that has me biting back a groan. “And yes, Cade can go bare tonight, since you two have already established that, but one last thing before I decide how you’ll each get to come. Do you have safewords?”

Yaz and I look at each other, both of us practically quivering with excitement, then both shake our heads.

“No, Daddy,” I offer for good measure. “We’ve never, uh, we just haven’t…”

He smiles. “That’s okay. For tonight, just tell me if anything we do doesn’t work for you. Can you do that for me, sweethearts?”

We both nod.