“Yes, Daddy,” we answer in unison, laughing at each other with a shared, giddy excitement that feels a lot like freedom. The freedom to let go of our worries and trust Daddy to take over, and the freedom of knowing that the woman I love still loves me, too.

Daddy was right, though. We really did need some help to get here. We needed his permission to “unbreakup” and trust that it was the right decision, but we also need his help fitting together the way we were never able to on our own, where all the things we love about each other are enough, because all the other things we need can come from somewhere—from someone—else.

“Daddy?” I blurt, the question tumbling out before I can even think about filtering it. “Is this… I mean, are we… that help you offered us before? Did you mean it as just a one-time thing?” I swallow hard. “Just for tonight? Or were you thinking, uh, that we might, I mean, even after this, if you wanted something long-term, we could, um…”

Henry listens patiently as I stumble over the words, watching me with an intensity that makes them trail off as it hits me what I’m doing. God, we’re just here on vacation, and I’m practically begging him to propose marriage, like some kind of knee-jerk need for security after almost losing the love of my life tonight.

“Sorry,” I whisper, the wide-eyed look Yaz is giving me making me worry that I’ve totally killed the sexy, slightly kinky vibe we had going.

Talk about putting Henry on the spot. I mean, sure he may have starred in a few of Yasmin’s and my shared fantasies over the years—more than a few, actually—but the truth is that we’ve really only spent half an evening with him, and no matter how intense being with him feels to me—and to Yaz, too; I can tell—I’ve got no place asking him what his intentions are, or suggesting that he owes us more.

God, it’s like I’ve just turned into my mother.

Instead of looking flustered or annoyed, though, Daddy smiles, sitting down at the foot of his bed and patting the mattress on either side of him. “Come sit down, my two sweethearts. Let’s talk about this.”

I resist the urge to apologize again, and once Yasmin and I both do as he’s directed us, he continues.

“We need to be clear on a couple of things before we do anything else tonight. First and foremost, I want to see the relationship between the two of you on solid ground.” He looks from me to Yaz and back again. “You have something special between you, something beautiful enough that it’s obvious even to someone who doesn’t know you as well as they’d like. And to be clear, I’m talking about myself, because I would very, very much like to know you both better.”

My shoulders relax to hear that. But also… he’s not wrong. Yasmin is perfect for me in so many ways, and I know, despite tonight, that she feels the same about me. We definitely hit a speed bump recently that threatened to become a roadblock, but I feel like we’ve found a way past that, and he’s sitting right between us, telling us that yes, he does want more.

“You’ve helped us more than you know,” Yaz says quietly, almost echoing my own thoughts. “I want to be with Cade. I want to…” She bites her lip, then looks at me with all her love in her eyes. “I want to be with him forever.”

“I want that too, baby,” I say, a quiet joy filling my heart. But then I take a risk, not something I’m particularly known for, and bare my soul to both of them, because when will I have another chance? “But I would like this to be more than a one-time thing with you, Hen—um, Daddy. I like the way you’ve taken care of us tonight, and I, uh, I like calling you Daddy, too.” I swallow hard, but say it all. “I’d like that to be long-term, too.”

I can’t say forever the way I did with Yaz. That would be too much, even I know that. But this feels good. It feels right. It feels sexy as hell but also secure in all sorts of ways that I didn’t fully realize were missing until he stepped in to offer them.

“Oh, sweet boy,” Henry says, his eyes filling with things that make my heart skip a beat. He takes each of our hands in his. “I’m happier to hear that than I can express. I really am. Especially if—”

He looks to Yaz, and she blurts out. “Yes. Me too, Daddy. I feel exactly the same.”

He chuckles, this time, not berating her for the interruption. “Good,” he says, leaning over to press a sweet kiss to her forehead, then turning to me and doing the same. “I may not have the right yet,” he goes on, “but I’m deeply invested in the two of you staying together, and anything I can do to help that happen feels incredibly… fulfilling. But I won’t lie. I also want you both for myself.” His voice fills with heat as he looks between us. “I want you both together, and I want that quite badly.”

My dick is suddenly ready to be part of the conversation again, roaring back to life and making me groan as I shift my weight a little to relieve some of the pressure in my pants.

I look over at Yasmin and can tell his words are affecting her, too. Her lips are parted slightly and there’s no mistaking the rapid rise and fall of her breasts as she leans in closer to Daddy’s side.

“Yes, please,” she says impishly, the lust in her eyes married to a soul-deep relief that I feel, too. “I think we’re all on the same page here, Daddy.” She bites her lip, then blurts, “So how do we get it started?”

“We already have, little girl,” Daddy says, a slow, sexy grin spreading across his face that makes me want to squirm in anticipation. Without missing a beat, he snaps out a firm command that takes my dick from simply interested to rock hard. “Settle, Cade.”

I go still, panting. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Fuck, is everything always going to be this hot with you?” Yaz asks, her cheeks flushed, and her pupils blown wide.

“I like to be in control, and you both seem to enjoy a certain degree of that…”

“All the degrees,” Yasmin blurts as I nod frantically.

“Yep. Yes, Daddy. I like it, too. You can be in charge.”

I bite my tongue hard to shut myself up, mostly to keep myself from outright begging, but when Daddy pins us each with a heated look, I almost break and start up again. I’m doing my best to hold still, but damn, it’s hard when he makes me feel like a live wire.

“In that case, I have a few ideas about how it might work,” Daddy says, his deep voice sounding even lower and thicker with desire. “But we should discuss safe words, and limits, and…” He takes a breath, smiling at us. “I’m probably getting a little ahead of myself, but there are definitely some things I’d like to try.”

“I volunteer as tribute,” Yaz and I say at the same time, meeting each other’s eyes and cracking up when we do it—just like old times—even though I know for sure that neither of us is joking.

Like, at all.