I kind of love that he keeps putting Cade first. I’m too impulsive to remember most of the time, but as much as I love being spoiled with attention, Cade needs it, too. It’s actually one of the reasons I think I lash out at him sometimes, because I know that, and feel guilty that I forget to do it when he deserves it just as much as I do.

Cade looks about as smitten with Henry’s attention as I am, and he swallows heavily before he can continue. “Alright, so, uh, after the show, we went out for milkshakes, and found out we liked all the same movies. And had a lot of other things in common. We met up a few more times at the campus theater, then started having movie nights together in Yaz’s dorm, and, uh…”

“Working on the The List,” I add, a familiar reckless feeling of glee filling me up.

Cade whisper-hisses at me. “Henry doesn’t need to know about that.”

Henry chuckles. “Oh, I think I’ve already heard about this list…”

We both turn to him, Cade in horror, and me in fascination. “Oh? From Sophia? What did she tell you?”

His eyes sparkle. “Enough,” he says in a tone that tells me that’s all I’m going to get. “Now continue with your story, Cade.”

Even in the moonlight, I can see that Cade’s blushing. But he powers through it and does what Hot Henry tells him to, even though he stumbles through it in a way that I find utterly adorable.

“Well, uh, at any rate, after we’d been besties for about six months, Yaz said, uh, that she wished I were into women, because she would, uh, be interested in me, if I was.”

I have to interrupt that one. “Actually, I said I wished that all the sexiest men weren’t gay, and that I would have Cade’s babies in an instant if he wanted me.”

That earns me a chuckle from Henry, and a soft look from Cade.

“Yeah, she said that,” he agrees, his heart in his eyes. Then he blinks, his gaze shuttering in a way that reminds me we’re not okay, and turns back to Henry. “I get why Yaz thought I was gay, since, you know, the List, but I told her that I was actually interested in women, too, and that I’d kind of had a crush on her for a while, and…”

He trails off, blushing again, and I jump in because I have to.

“And then I gave him an epic blowjob, and the rest is history!”

Henry’s eyebrows raise. “I bet you did, baby girl. Now, it’s still Cade’s turn.”

I pout. I can’t help it. “But he just had a turn.”

“That you kept interrupting.”

Henry pins me with a look that has some heat in it, and it makes me shiver in the very best way. Yet he hasn’t actually told me to stop, so I’m hoping that he kind of understands that this is just who I am, and hopefully, maybe even likes it?

Then I mentally shake myself for even thinking that matters. I’d like it to, but I’d like a lot of things, and right now, my emotions feel like they’re on a rollercoaster.

Henry turns back to Cade, his voice smooth and coaxing again. “Tell me something you love about Yasmin.”

Cade doesn’t seem to be having the same problem. It’s like, the minute Henry stepped in and took control and started actually telling Cade what to do, he let go of all the frustration we’ve been having with each other and let him just be… this. The wonderful man I love.

“I love everything about her,” he says to Henry, looking into my eyes with so much sincerity that I want to cry again. His voice gets husky, and I reach across Henry’s lap to grab Cade’s hand, squeezing it tight as he continues. “She’s bold. She’s funny. She’s brilliant at numbers in ways that I can’t even understand. We love all the same movies, but you already know that now. And she knows how to make the best guacamole ever.”

God, I love him. More than anything. I laugh through my last sparkling tears, releasing Cade’s hand to wipe them off my cheeks. “He’s just saying that because I’m a shit cook,” I tell Henry. “Guacamole’s the only thing I can make.”

“But it’s really good,” Cade argues, with that sweet smile of his.

“Do you cook?” Henry asks Cade.

He blushes again. “A little?” he says with a shrug. “I mean, I keep us fed. Nothing fancy. Not that we could afford a lot while we were both students.”

“You’re not students now?”

“Nope,” Cade answers first. “Yaz just got her Masters in Finance.”

I rush to continue, because I know he’s going to downplay it. “And Cade is a family nurse practitioner. He’ll tell you he’s a nurse, but he’ll be seeing his own list of patients, not assisting a doctor.”

“You must be very proud of each other,” Henry says.