Our eyes meet over Henry’s chest. “We are,” our voices chime in unison. It always used to crack us up when that happened, and it elicits smiles from both of us now.

“Now, Yasmin, tell me what you love about Cade,” Henry says, smiling, too.

I look at my boyfriend of six years. He’s stunning in his linen shirt and slacks, his face both strong and ethereal in the moonlight. “Cade is the sweetest man you’ll ever meet,” I say softly. “He takes care of everyone. Sometimes to his own detriment…”

I raise an eyebrow, reaching over to nudge him, and Cade bows his head, blushing again.

We both know it’s true, and it’s just the way it is. If I weren’t so selfish, I’d do a better job of taking care of him when he’s not taking care of himself.

It’s probably one more reason that breaking up makes sense, for his sake, but my heart doesn’t agree. Especially not now, with Henry encouraging us to remember all these things, so I push the thought away even though it probably deserves attention, and rush in to describe more of my favorite things.

“He’s kind to everyone he meets. And he takes a while to get to know people, but he’s loyal to all his friends. And he can be so silly. Like, in a good way. He’s really cute when he’s sleepy, and even cuter when he’s drunk.”

“Don’t tell him that!” Cade wails, his head whipping back up.

I laugh. “Yes! You really have to see him tipsy. He just turns into a little puddle of adorable.”

Henry chuckles. “That is something I would love to see.”

Cade buries his head in his hands, but I know that he’s smiling underneath. He’s a cutie, but sometimes he’s a shy cutie, and as I look at him, there’s still just so much love in my heart that my next words burst out of me without thought, catching in my throat. “Why can’t we just be happy with each other?”

It’s the same question I’ve asked a thousand times before, and there doesn’t seem to be a good answer. I know Cade’s been struggling with it, too. It’s how we ended up out here tonight.

But this time is different.

This time, maybe there will be an answer. Because this time, it’s not just the two of us.

Henry’s here, and when he looks between us and says, “I think you can be,” I want to believe him.

“How?” Cade asks before I can.

Henry smiles. “Oh, sweetheart. I think the two of you just need a little help.”

Chapter 6


* * *

“Help?” Yasmin asks cautiously. “What do you mean?”

I might have worried that suggesting it is too self-serving if not for the way their attention is completely riveted to me now. That, and, of course, their List, although I’m still not entirely sure how serious they are about that. But… I’m hopeful. They’re both so easy to read, so responsive, and what I see in their eyes is matching levels of hope and trepidation, an irresistible blend that tugs at my heart.

Deep down, they know that breaking up is the wrong move; they just don’t know how to fix what they think is broken between them.

But it seems to me that nothing is broken.

I think something might simply be missing; something I very much want to provide for them.

“You two are beautiful together.” I stroke Yasmin’s hair, encouraging her to lean her head against my shoulder. She does, looking up at me with wide, trusting eyes, and something settles in my heart. This feels right. I wrap an arm around Cade, too, making the feeling of rightness complete, and try to explain. “You deserve to be happy, it just sounds like you both feel a little unsteady at times. A little bit overwhelmed or out of control. Does that sound right?”

They both nod, and I’m honestly not sure what I’ve done to deserve what I see in their gazes—the burgeoning confidence that I’m going to make this right for them—but I already know I’ll do everything in my power to live up to it.

Their love for each other is a gift, a treasure, and I don’t want to intrude on it. I want to strengthen and support it. And yes, if I’m honest, maybe have a shot at becoming a part of it, too.

They’re not the only ones who’ve had something missing in their lives.

“And I know you each want to help each other with that,” I go on, “but it’s hard to offer stability when you don’t feel stable yourself, or to guide someone—to give them the consequences they need and take the burden of their uncertainty—when you’re looking for crave that kind of guidance and support yourself, isn’t it?”