My head explodes. "My supervisor oversaw that acquisition."

"Ben Banville?"


Leaf chuckles. "Wow. You and I have more in common than I thought."

Tears well in my eyes. "Thank you for taking an interest in my actual life. Yes—I enjoy being Little in my free time. It’s a fun, stress-relieving role-play activity for me. However, I enjoy what I do outside the playroom."

"Tell me about your ex-Daddy." Leaf thumbs my palm. "That’s what you were gearing up to do."

My face falls. "He hated my Little side. Said I was a freak who he didn’t want to introduce to his parents. I always wanted a Daddy who loved who I was—the Little and Big elements. A Daddy who wants to do nothing other than infantilize you—one who never asks about your Big interests and seems to resent when you go to work instead of cuddling with stuffies all day—may be fine for some kinksters, but not me. I enjoy both sides of myself. But a Daddy who prefers when you’re Big all the time isn’t great, either."

"No, it’s not. I think a perfect Daddy is one who understands that a Little needs both parts of themselves to feel content. Well, that’s not entirely true—some Littles prefer staying Little full time. And some Daddies like that. Whatever floats your boat—that’s what I say. As long as it’s safe, sane, and consensual. At the club, many Littles test out part-time arrangements to dip their toes into the lifestyle, and when they discover they enjoy it, they go full-time. I don't expect my Littles to do that, and I’m not sure I'd even enjoy it. It’s also not my decision to make—I take care of their needs, whatever they may be. Diapers. Feeding. Bottling. What we’re doing right now is something I adore. Same with reading—sometimes, reading my boy a goodnight story is better than sex. That’s the beauty of kink relationships. Each consenting kinkster gets to decide what’s right for them."

"Tell me your favorite type of Little, Daddy."

Leaf gets a dreamy look in his eyes. "At this stage of my life, I want a Little who cares about more than Little and Big activities. The balance he seeks isn’t as important to me as his love of family. Building a future together. A boy who’d love to meet my family—something my ex-boyfriend, Damien, never wanted to do."

Anger pulses through my veins. Damien. I test the name out under my tongue, examining its insidious letters, trying to see if it fits the villain stereotype I have in my mind.

It does. Damien is an evil, terrible name—especially when Damien was Leaf’s ex.

I gnash my teeth. "I can’t believe Damien didn’t show interest in meeting your family. That’s very different from me."

Leaf furrows his brow. "I'd like to hear what you mean."

I can’t help but snort. "I drove my ex-Daddy crazy because I begged to meet his parents. It’s all I wanted—I had a card I'd written them, gifts, and everything. I even practiced baking a lemon merengue pie I intended to serve when we all got together. My ex caught me in the kitchen one day, and he said I was trying too hard. He told me that I could bake all the pies I wanted, but if I didn’t quit acting so goddamn immature—specifically, sucking my thumb during playtime—he’d never take me to their house. So my ex was the one who refused to bring us together."

Leaf stares into my eyes. A spark of kindness, loving and true, drifts out of his pupils and zooms toward mine.

"We have a lot in common." Leaf’s voice is breathless.

I scoot forward. "I’m glad we had this discussion. You’re damn right."

Leaf twines his fingers through mine. "You look so pretty right now. Driving me fucking crazy."

Canting my hips up, I show Leaf my hard cock. "Why don't you do something about it?"

Chapter 9


Leaf moves forward and wraps his lips around my shaft. I moan, heat barreling up my core, making me clench my toes.

My shaft throbs in his mouth, swelling, the pink tip aching. My balls rise against my taint, filling in my sack.

With his right hand, Leaf cups my balls, fondling the tender orbs. I bite my lower lip to stop myself from whimpering—the pleasure is too intense.

"Daddy." I throw my head back. "Feels good."

A bead of pre-cum surges out of my slit. Leaf flits his tongue against it, drawing it into his mouth. He swishes it between his cheeks, then swallows, and then plants a kiss on my crown.

"Look at that pretty thing." He licks a path to my base. "Fuck, boy—got Daddy feeling like the luckiest man in New York. No one in this city has such a perfect cock."

Dipping the back of my head under the water, I surrender to the pleasure. Heat, red-hot and invigorating, circles through me, making me float.

Leaf takes my cock head back in his mouth, the tip filling his cheeks, before plunging it deep into his throat, deeper, deeper, bottoming out at his tonsils.