The ducky floats between my legs, then makes figure eights in the bubbles.

Leaf closes his eyes. He pumps his shaft lazily, then ups the intensity.

His giant foot migrates to my thigh—which triggers a surprise reaction inside me.

I glance down at his hairy calf and toes. My—oh my. There’s something about their immensity, their contrast with my own body, that turns me on.

My own dick rises between my legs. I try to ignore it—the last thing I want is to look like a horndog in front of Leaf, who’s fighting hard to respect my personhood instead of treating me like a sex object.

It doesn’t work. My pink crown rubs against my belly, demanding attention. Try as I might to focus on playtime, my arousal distracts me.

I tick my head up. "This is tougher than I expected."

Leaf pushes out a laugh. "I can tell you’re running into problems."

"You’ve got that right." Reaching between my legs, I pinch my pink crown. A wave of heat, tingly and squirm-inducing, rolls through me.

Opening his eyes, Leaf leans in and takes my hand in his. "Why don't we both enjoy a cum? It’ll help us bond."

My teeth sink into my lower lip. "There’s something I need to tell you first. About my past."

Leaf’s face mutates into an expression of concern. "Go for it. I’m listening."

A sigh escapes me. "It’s about my ex-Daddy."

"Tell me, boy. Daddy’s here."

"He wasn’t the kindest in the bedroom. I mean, he was at first—that didn’t last long. Halfway through our relationship, he’d ask me to do really weird things. He’d tell me to call him names that made me uncomfortable. And spank me—without my consent."

Leaf furrows his brow. "No one should do anything to you without your permission."

"That’s what I thought—or at least what I learned in college. I studied business analytics at an Ivy League university."

Leaf’s eyebrows tick up. "That’s impressive."

"It’s because my parents had the know-how to get me in. Private standardized test tutors. Meetings with professors. Interview prep."

"Thanks for sharing that. I have to say, I don't know much about your past."

"Business analytics was the first thing that piqued my curiosity. Believe it or not, I enjoy learning how to navigate the adult world—the corporate world. I never want to depend on anyone for money, which is probably unlike many Littles in my situation. The thought of relying on a man scares me. What if they grow upset with you? What if they push you to do something you don't desire?"

Leaf issues me a sympathetic look. "I’m the same way. That’s why I went into business for myself."

"My college program taught me how to make my own money. I do—I make pretty decent money at my job. I work at a big publicly traded bank downtown."

"Which one?"

"Singapore Square."

Leaf’s jaw drops. "Holy shit—that’s the bank I sold my company to."

My eyebrows migrate to my forehead. "You’re kidding."

"Nope." Leaf looks very proud. "I did it five years ago—enjoyed a fantastic exit. That’s how I afforded this flat with servants. They came with the flat, in fact. The previous owner had employed them for twenty years, and when he passed away, he didn’t want them to go unemployed. He put it in the bill of sale that they had to serve the new owner. I was more than happy to oblige—growing up poor in Jersey, I never had servants. It allowed me to see how the other half lived."

I reach out to hold Leaf’s hand. "Singapore Square gets a lot of shit, but they’ve been good to me. Give me excellent projects to work on. They’re demanding and I easily put in eighty hours per week, but I get to learn so much about the world. Meet new people. See how money flows throughout the modern financial system."

"My company’s name was Green Tom Thumb," Leaf says. "We sought to convince Fortune 500 companies to adopt energy-saving measures. One of our huge projects was convincing a national coffee chain to phase out individual plastic wrappers for their food items. You have no clue how much waste a business of that size generates—until you see it firsthand. It’s sickening."