“For the most part, good. I think. Maybe I'm not the brightest bulb in the box and that's why your hints, your ability to always know what I need and where to be, so much more, just kind of whizzed right over my head the last two decades. Now they’re slamming into me like a freight truck,” I said.

Jensen smiled, “That's because I love you and I will always be there for you, and if Henry accepts us then I will do the same for him. You two have a connection and I feel that Henry and I do, too, but it’s the fear that I could be cast aside if your connection is stronger, and I don't want that. As a Daddy, doubt isn’t a luxury I can afford and it’s hard to express those kinds of feelings, but I’ve asked for open communication and I promise to give the two of you nothing less. I know it’s expected for Daddies to be the strong ones and take on the weight of the world but sometimes Daddies are afraid and battle anxiety, too.”

“Oh, Daddy,” Henry murmured, “I feel the same about both of you and I want to try the three of us as a couple. That’s not right. A triad. But just like Mitchell said, it is a lot to absorb. I've gone from no Daddies to two Daddies and while I couldn't be happier, I'd be lying if I didn't express the fear that the two of you may forget about me, just like my parents did.”

“Henry, I can assure you that's the opposite of how I feel and knowing Mitchell as long as I have, I can say the same for him without a doubt,” Jensen replied.

Chapter 12

My heart radically pounded inside my chest as sweat beaded across my forehead. There, I’d done it. I’d laid my entire heart on the line, admitting my truth to not only the man I loved, but to the man I hoped would accept us as a constant in his life. Have you ever wanted anything so bone deep you believed you'd stop breathing without it? That’s how I felt. These two men sitting across from me were that and so much more. How easily I visualized our future; how I would be there for them and having them in my life would make me a stronger Daddy.

“What's the next step?” our brave Henry asked. The sweet boy was stronger than he knew.

“Well, as much as I hate to part ways with the two of you, I'd love nothing more than to be snuggled up in bed with Henry between us,” I said, eliciting a sweet blush from Henry, “I have given you both a lot to absorb and consider and while you've agreed that you're on board with giving this a try, and for that I couldn't be more thankful, I do know a lot more questions will come up. We've exchanged numbers and can call, text, FaceTime, do whatever you want, but I'm going to leave our next steps in your capable hands,” I gestured between them. It was important they took the time and really thought this through.

“But you're the Daddy,” Henry said. “You take care of us and tell us what you want to do.”

I chuckled. That boy was feisty, and I loved it. “Well then, next weekend let's plan a sleepover at my house. I know we have loved ones to visit during the day, so I'll text you my address, Henry. We’ll meet at my house at seven o’clock on Saturday night. What time do you usually go to bed, Henry?”

“I try my best to be in bed by ten, but when I get lost in a good book that doesn't always work out,” Henry admitted.

“Busy boys who run bookstores by day need to get a good night's rest. Starting tomorrow, Mitchell and I will call you nightly, at ten on the nose, and we'll read you a bedtime story. You can curl up with Merlin, freshly showered and in your PJs, and then text us you’re ready and we'll call.” I could already picture it, Henry curled up with Merlin, sucking on a paci.

“I'd love that, Daddy,” Henry replied.

“Me, too,” Mitchell happily agreed. “That's a great idea, Jensen.”

“All right,” I said as the waitress handed me the bill. “Let me take care of this and I'll meet you at the door.” I was far too giddy over something we'd barely embarked upon. For all I knew, this would blow up in my face, though I hoped not. My gut, heart, and mind were at war and only a successful union with Henry and Mitchell would bring peace.

Mitchell and I walked Henry to his car. “Would it be okay if I hugged you?” I asked him.

“Yes, please, Daddy,” Henry replied. How easily he fell into calling me that, and I loved it. Mitchell drew him in next, when they broke apart Henry’s smile was a mile wide.

“Henry, reach out anytime you need us by phone or text, whatever works for you, even if it’s just for a quick chat. If we’re busy with work, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible, so please don't get discouraged or think we're ignoring you because I can promise you, we're not. I'm dead serious about this relationship and I'm determined to make it work for all of us. But I must reiterate to both of you the importance of being open and honest. We are too new to each other to assume we understand what the others are thinking or feeling. Our likes, dislikes, and what needs we have take time to learn.” This time, I pulled them both in for a group hug. It felt natural. “But sometimes Daddies make mistakes, too, and it's okay for brave boys to tell us when we do.”

“I promise, Daddies,” Henry replied. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. Talk about having your world spin on its axis, from a simple kiss. Mitchell once again followed my lead and when he drew back the expression on his face said everything.

Henry squeezed us before stepping back toward the car, “Thank you for magically walking into my shop one day.”

“Henry.” Mitchell cupped the side of Henry’s face, and he immediately leaned into it. “You were the bright light in a very dark day for me when we first met and I foresee your brightening many days to come.”

Henry slid into the driver's seat as I held open the door and closed it behind him. Mitchell and I waved, bidding our new beau a fond farewell.

Until we meet again, our sweet boy.

“Your place or mine?” I asked Mitchell. There was no use delaying the inevitable talk we had coming.

“Let's go to yours. Mine is a bit too depressing right now,” he admitted. I couldn’t help but hug him tightly.

“I wish I could take away your pain, I really do. Please know that I was dead serious when I said I love you. I am in love with you. And I am here for you however you need me to be, Mitchell.” He sniffled. The weight of the world he once knew was now a heavy burden on his shoulders. The situation with his mother was still so fresh. Maybe the timing wasn't right for me to have poured my heart out to him, or for Henry to come into our lives, though I felt otherwise. All of this happened for a reason and fate had a way of finding what you needed even in the darkest of days.

We got into the car and though the ride was short, it was far too long and too silent. Once inside, I headed straight for the living room bar and poured us each three fingers of whiskey, sensing the conversation would warrant it. “Cheers,” I tapped my glass to Mitchell’s, “to new beginnings and everlasting relationships.” Nothing better than hopeful cheering…may the liquor gods be kind to me.

“Cheers,” Mitchell replied then swallowed half his glass down in one swig.

The thought of using mine as a shot was strong so I chose to set the glass down. “All right, take a seat and let me have it.”

Mitchell sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “How did I miss all the signs over the years? Was I wearing blinders? One thing I did realize tonight, you're right. I am a natural Daddy and the two of us together would have gone down in flames. “Now wait, hear me out,” he said when I scowled. “Not because we don’t love each other but the whole two Daddies thing with no boy… It would be a constant battle for domination between us, but with Henry by our side…” Mitchell trailed off.