“Exactly. With Henry by our side, we're complete. He’s the key to completing the circle. I believe the three of us will not only have what we all need, but what we've wanted and desired that felt so far out of reach,” I further explained.

“But what if things don't work in the…you know?” Mitchell nodded toward the hallway that led to the master suite.

“Mr. Blackthorn, are you suggesting a little tête-á-tête to test the water? Without our boy present?” I flirted, knowing full well that wasn’t what he meant.

“Honestly, I don't even know what I'm suggesting anymore. I mean, what if we kiss and it's awkward, like two brothers kissing?” He groaned.

“There's only one way to find out.” I set my glass down, took his and sat it next mine, and then cupped his face in my hands. The feel of his stubble against my palms was heaven. “Tell me no?” I half-asked, half-warned, though there was no need. I’d barely gotten the word no out before he crashed his lips to mine. Forceful, and all too quickly he pulled back and stared at me. So many emotions skittered across his handsome features. Shock. Fear. His eyes landed on my mouth then returned to mine.

“Can we try that again? Maybe not as rough?” Mitchell asked.

I wasn’t about to give him time to rethink his request. In a more gentle, caring fashion, I pressed my lips to his, once, twice, then ran my tongue along the seam of his lips. Mitchell hesitated, albeit briefly before his lips parted, and I wasted no time diving in.


This right here was one of many wishes I’d waited literal years to have fulfilled by Mitchell. No one else but him. I shivered with anticipation for what would be in the coming weeks but pacing was key. Spooking Mitchell would be a major setback and not one we could afford, nor would I do well with that. Reluctantly, I drew back and waited patiently for any sign Mitchell would freak out. But he didn’t, only dove for my mouth again. We made out like horny teens for a while longer until I reached my breaking point, thinking only of our naked bodies intertwined, finally claiming his ass as my own. That’s when I knew I had to put the brakes on.

“Did I do something wrong?” Mitchell asked, fear and confusion marred his beautiful features.

“No, my love,” I dared to say, “you did everything right. A little bit too right,” I emphasized by reaching down to adjust myself. “Far too right.”

Chapter 13

Would my Daddies think it presumptuous that I had the forethought to clean and prep myself? Yes, there was a hidden agenda in doing so as I hoped tonight, we’d finally make love. If they called me their good boy for doing so it would be so worth it. Praise was definitely a kink of mine. We’d been playing for the last couple of weekends, and I was headed to Daddy Jensen’s now for another date and was anxious to get things moving along between the three of us. There had been awkward times but having kept communication open, we’d been able to work through each challenge as it arose. I dreamed of a future where Daddy Mitchell and I moved into Daddy Jensen’s house and made it our home. Daddy Mitchell and I would have to sell or rent our childhood homes, though. It was a no-brainer for me, I’d sell mine as is. It held no real fond memories for me. Silent dinners at the dining table, sometimes solo. Endless hours spent in my room reading. Yeah, I wouldn’t miss it.

It sounded formal calling them Daddy Jensen and Daddy Mitchell, but I’d waited so long for the opportunity that I was proud to do so. They’d never told me to. I just used it once and it stuck, and I was in heaven. “Deep breath, Henry,” I mumbled to myself as I pressed the doorbell button. “Don’t blow this.”

“Henry,” Daddy Jensen greeted me with a smile and warm hug. “Please, come in. Let me take your bag.” He slid it from my shoulder and shut the door behind me. “Mitchell is in the kitchen.”

“No, I’m not,” Daddy Mitchell said as he neared us and drew me into his arms. “I’ve been waiting all week for this. Our days together are far too few.”

“Agreed,” Daddy Jensen said. “I’m hopeful we can remedy that soon,” he winked.

“Come, Henry,” Daddy Mitchell said, “we have a gift for you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Henry’s Daddies are silly,” I said, and slipped right into Little space. “You don’t have to buy Henry prezzies.”

“But Henry’s Daddies enjoy spoiling him so let us have that fun,” Daddy Jensen replied.

“If you insist,” I replied with a giggle. Had I ever been this happy before?

“Scooch on up,” Daddy Mitchell said, pulling the dining table chair out for me as he slid a huge gift bag in front of me.

My eyes widened. “Too big for Henry. Daddies help?” The bag was nearly as big as I was, not really but it was huge.

Daddy Jensen walked up behind Daddy Mitchell and slid his arms around his waist. Awestruck, as I was the lucky one to witness their relationship evolve firsthand, it warmed my heart. “What’s wrong, Henry?” Daddy Jensen asked.

“Henry’s Daddies love each other, and Henry loves them,” I professed. Little me was my stronger side and held nothing back.

“Oh, Henry,” Daddy Jensen said as he came to my side and kissed me. “I love Henry, too, and I love Mitchell.”

“Ditto that,” Daddy Mitchell said. “Henry and Jensen are my world and I love you both with all my heart.” There we stood, me on the chair, both Daddies’ arms wrapped around me in a loving cocoon. The bag was untouched as I cried happy tears as my Daddies and I professed our love. “Okay, you sit and be careful.”

One by one, they pulled the gifts from the bag. “A unicorn onesie. It looks just like Merlin.”

“Yes, it does, but there’s more,” Daddy Jensen said, bopping the tip of my nose. Out came a pair of one-piece footie PJs complete with a unicorn head covering and a new pair of unicorn slippers.

“Henry loves this!” I cheered. “Thank you, Daddies.”