“Is that alright?” he asked. His palms brushed over Elio’s nipples, then continued.

“You’re doing great. You can touch me anywhere. Or taste.”

James nodded, then ran his hands back down. It wasn’t the most sensual of touches—more an exploration than a seduction. What made it hot as fuck was the reverence in James’s eyes. That kid-in-a-toy-store expression, like he’d just been told he could have anything he wanted.

He leaned down and licked a path up Elio’s abdomen. It almost tickled but… Damn. James licked again, letting his eyes fall shut.


Elio shoved a pillow behind his head, just to watch. James traced long wet stripes across his skin, like he was lost in his own little world of pleasure.

Elio didn’t think he’d ever made anyone feel that way. He couldn’t help but get a charge out of it. He felt like a fucking king.

James’s questing tongue swept higher, and now he looked up. “Will you show me how to make you feel good?”

Elio hummed his pleasure. This was curiosity and exploration, but behind it, there was something else. Maybe some of James’s inherently submissive desire to please.

“I like having your hands and tongue on me at the same time. Or both hands, especially if they’re doing different things. It’s good to mix up the sensations—light touches and firm ones. You can use your fingernails or your teeth, too.”

James looked surprised. “Do you like pain, too?”

Elio shook his head. “Not anything like you do. I like a little nip or sting sometimes. But I loved watching you float away in it last night. Bringing you so much pain that it turns into euphoria is a high for me, too.”

James looked aside for a moment, shy while he processed the thought, but then returned with new determination. It was surprisingly nice, being with an older guy. He might be new to all of this, but he knew himself. He wasn’t panicking or overreacting, just fitting everything away as his brain reconfigured.

James’s next attempt sent shivers through Elio’s body—two clawed hands raking lightly down his torso. He moaned his approval.

Delighted, James did it again.

God. Too much more of that and Elio wouldn’t be able to keep his eyes open. It was the perfect teasing torment, good, but not nearly enough.

The next time, James raked over a nipple, and Elio arched up.

James, smart man that he was, bent over and took the pebbled nipple in his mouth. Elio was bathed in wet heat, all slithering tongue and then… a sharp nip.

Elio couldn’t contain the sound that emerged from his lips. “That’s right, Daddy. Just like that.”

James approached the second nipple with more fervor, mixing up the pressure as he flicked his tongue over the nub, then suckled, before biting again and soothing it with his soft lips.

Elio did close his eyes then, letting the pleasure surround him. James pulled back, switching to using his hands. One rolled Elio’s nipple, while the other one drew barely-there swirls along his skin.

James was either a quick study, or he’d been holding out on his experience level.

With a firmer touch, James explored his shoulders. “Guess I’m really gay,” he murmured.

Elio chuckled, amused. “You could still be bi or pan. But I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“I think it is,” James agreed. “I’m just… really enjoying your chest. And your muscles.” He traced down Elio’s arms, before running his hands down Elio’s pecs and over his ribs. “You don’t have scars,” he observed. “Sorry if that’s weird to say.”

“Nope,” Elio agreed. Sounded like it was time for trans 101. “Just this one here,” he pointed to the approximate location on his shoulder. “Fell off my bike when I was eight. But if you’re asking about top surgery, no. I never needed it. When I was about ten or eleven, my chest started growing and I flipped the fuck out. Told my parents they needed to put me on hormone blockers right that second. And, thank God, they did. They’d already discussed it with the doctor, and he wanted me to wait another year because of some bone density stuff, but I wailed and campaigned, and they finally decided that my mental health outweighed everything else. I’d been living as a boy for practically my entire life, so it was pretty simple after that. I got parental permission to start T the second it was legally and medically feasible. That’s why I’ve got the Adam’s apple, too.”

Elio stretched his head upward to demonstrate, and was rewarded by James’s lust-filled expression, and then a string of open-mouthed kisses along his throat.

“I’m glad you had that support,” James told him, when he finally came up for air. “It obviously worked because you’re gorgeous.”

Elio had to smile back. This was definitely going well. And he was ninety percent sure it would keep going well, but… There were a lot of gay guys who couldn’t handle his body. And a gay guy who’d been in a straight relationship for so long, he was still confirming his identity…

No matter how much Elio liked his own body, there was always this small part of himself that worried with a new partner. Getting some of the conversation out of the way before the big reveal might not be as sexy, but it gave him a bit of protection, too.