Now James was his.

“Looks like I’ve got you all to myself, Daddy.”

James stepped a little closer, such an intriguing mix of confidence in his stride and shyness in his expression. He looked around one more time, in case the car had silently returned to sneak up on them, and then moved into Elio’s space.

For once, Elio was the one pinned, with his ass resting against the beams of the tabletop. “What do you want, Daddy?” he asked, voice husky. He pulled James into him, legs between his thighs, until their pelvises met.

James’s eyes swept up and down Elio’s face. “Can I… I’d like to touch you.”

Elio raised his eyebrows. “Do you want to try being in charge?” He tried to keep his voice neutral. He didn’t want to influence James with his own preferences when everything was so new.

James considered, then answered slowly. “I guess I could try it if you wanted me to.” He didn’t sound certain, or particularly excited.

Elio pulled him closer, then nipped at his jaw. “I don’t. I’ve submitted before to have the experience, but–” he kissed and bit his way up to James’s ear “–I’d much rather have you at my mercy.”

James groaned, letting his full weight fall against Elio’s chest. “I’d much rather it that way, too.” Then he added, breathlessly, “So, uh, I guess I’m a sub, then?”

“Welcome to the club, Daddy. You’re a delightful sub. And a masochist.”

He nodded, breathing out a sigh. “I guess I am.”

Elio gave him a sweeter kiss. “It’s beautiful, watching you submit.”

James’s face absolutely shone. “Is it… If I’m a sub, is it okay to ask to touch you, then?”

“Yeah.” Elio kissed him again. James didn’t even know how adorable he was. “Come on into the tent.”

Elio’s tent was small, a compact dome for just one person. There was a bit of space on the side for luggage, but the low ceiling and the air mattress taking up most of the floor pretty much forced you to plop down as soon as you got inside.

Which is what Elio did, diving headfirst onto the mattress. He kicked off his shoes, hoping that they landed in the tent.

James laughed and followed him more slowly, crawling in a few feet and then slipping off his own shoes more carefully. He turned to zip the tent shut. “I can’t believe we’re doing this in broad daylight.”

“Just you, me, and that whippoorwill.”

James cocked his head to the side. “Is that what that is?”

“Yep. See how it says whip-or-will, whip-or-will?” He repeated the three-pitched call, high, then low, ending in the middle.

“You have a lot to teach me.” James turned around, crawling toward him.

“Oh, believe me. I intend to.” Elio made it flirty, drawing James down on top of him. He was the perfect weight. Their faces were inches apart, legs intertwined. “But first, I believe you made a request.”

James flushed. “I just… I’ve only really touched one other person. And you’re a guy. I guess, I wanted to experience it. To, uh, know what it’s like. Or maybe to know what I like? Sorry, I’m not making any sense.”

“You’re making perfect sense. Go ahead.” Elio spread his arms out to the side, giving James free rein.

Fortunately, James started with his shirt. Elio loved his body. And the fact that James had called him a guy, like it was obvious, did a lot to allay his worries. But there was still always that moment of tension when the pants came off. In queer circles it was no big deal, but James was a baby gay, practically straight until this week, so there was always the chance for something to go sideways.

Elio made himself relax, though. James was working his hand up under his shirt, just stroking the skin there, with the sweetest look of concentration on his face. Like he needed to catalog and remember every inch.

“You can keep going,” Elio prompted him. “Lift my shirt.”

James eased up onto his knees, then obeyed, looking dazzled as Elio’s tanned skin and sparse hair was revealed.

Elio took the opportunity to remove the obstructing garment, then sank down into the mattress.

James was just watching him, like Elio was the best thing he’d ever seen. He reached out one tentative hand, then both, running his open hands up Elio’s belly to his chest.