Page 6 of Red, White, & You

Not power issues, not life’s normal stress, not even the disappointing test I left in the garbage of our second-story guest bathroom in the city.

Out here, none of it mattered. Because I had time, space, gratitude, and the most beautiful family a woman could dream of.

After one last glance at a sleeping Lexi, I smiled to myself and headed out of her room, shutting the door quietly behind me.

We’d just arrived at the lake house this afternoon, and after a day filled with grocery shopping to stock up the fridge with food, grilling steaks out on the deck for dinner, and then ending our evening by taking Lex out on Brad’s boat for a leisurely ride, I was ready for some much-needed alone time with my beautiful wife.

To be honest, after the crazed start to the week we’d both had in New York with the ongoing blackouts and shit, being surrounded by natureandworking power felt like a ginormous weight off my shoulders.

Obviously, it didn’t feel good to take a financial hit over the disastrous outcome of the Fourth of July barbecue at BAD, but being here, with my wife and daughter, made it pretty damn easy to forget about the failure.

Down the first-floor hall, I headed toward the guest room Win and I were staying in for the week. The lake house was pretty damn spacious, and since we were the only ones here, my wife made sure we got the best guest room out of the bunch—a full master with a walk-in closet and a walk-in bathroom with a rain shower and jacuzzi tub.

Pretty nice fucking digs, if you asked me.

Winnie yawned as I stepped into the room, her toes dancing cutely from her spot, cozily stretched out on the king-sized bed.

“Is Lex asleep?”

“She was pretty determined to understand environmental causes for increased precipitation and plug all her temperatures and figures into her formula for evaporation on the total she got in the rain gauge,” I answered and smirked in her direction. “But yes, our little genius finally fell asleep midway through that deep discussion.”

She laughed. “I take it there was an increase in rainfall from the control period last year?”

“Apparently.” I shrugged and pulled my T-shirt over my head, tossing it into the duffel bag my gorgeous, sometimes Type-A wife had deemed our “dirty clothes” pile.

“That girl, I swear,” Winnie commented with a soft smile. “One day, with that constantly curious and intelligent mind of hers, she’s going to do big things in this world.”

On that, we could agree. Sometimes, our daughter Lexi was too damn smart for everyone’s good. Frankly, I only understood about half of what she’d been rambling on about tonight regarding weather shifts and increased precipitation when I was tucking her into bed. Since I wasn’t lucky enough to be a part of her DNA, and I didn’t like giving any credit to her biological dad, all of her smarts must have come from her mother.

“Do you think it’s possible she managed to get a degree in meteorology without us knowing?” I questioned as I slid off my jeans to climb into bed. “I mean, maybe she’s been taking online courses that we don’t know about?”

“With that girl? Anything is probably possible.” Winnie’s laugh rolled through her throat and directly toward my cock, turning me on irrevocably.

There was just something about my beautiful wife looking carefree and full of joy that always affected me. Winnie Lancaster was beautiful all the time, but she was, hands down, the most beautiful when she was laughing…orcoming on my cock.

And since I’d just achieved the former, it was time to get down to business on the latter.

On a growl, I pounced on her, covering her body with my own.

I was still in my boxer briefs and she was still wearing one of her favorite silk nightgowns, but damn, feeling the warmth and softness of her gorgeous body against mine made my head spin.

It also made me incredibly fucking hard.

I ground myself against her and she giggled some more, but when I pressed my lips to hers, those giggles turned to soft and sweet moans.

Fuck yes.

“I’m thirsty,” I teased, my mouth gently grazing her lips. “And since this is definitelynota sex-free vacation and the little genius is resting her brain for the night, I think it’s high time I tap into this delicious drink of water.”

Winnie’s eyes met mine, and an amused grin made itself known on her lips. “I take it we’re going to be calling mewaterfor a while.”

“Oh yeah.” I nodded, brushing my nose against hers. “The only water on the planet that can satisfy my needs.”

“Also,the only water on the planet that’sallowedto satisfy your needs.”

“Damn straight, woman.” I smirked. “I don’t want or need anyone but you.”

“Ditto, Lancaster.”