Page 7 of Red, White, & You

She wiggled her hips against mine, and I growled again, diving headfirst into the silky material that covered her full breasts. On an inhale, I sucked that material and one pert nipple into my mouth, making sure the warmth of my breath reached her skin.

Her body responded in the sexiest way.

Her back arched.

A moan escaped her pretty mouth.

Her fingers clutched at my hair.

“Are you thirsty too?” I questioned and locked my gaze with hers. Slowly, I bit down on the edge of her nightgown and tugged the material away from her exquisite skin, revealing her now heavy tits. “Because I volunteer as tribute to fill you up.”

“Are you seriously quotingHunger Gameswhile talking about coming?”

“Hey, you’re the one who made me watch it,” I teased with a nod and wrapped my greedy lips around one bared nipple and sucked it into my mouth.

A half laugh, half moan jumped from her lungs, but her amusement over movie quotes was lost once I switched to the other breast, giving it the same treatment.

God, she’s fucking everything.

I slid one hand down her belly and didn’t stop until I gripped her pussy through the material. Even through the nightgown and her panties, I could feel that she was already growing wet with anticipation.

“Wes.”She groaned and shifted her hips back and forth.

“Yeah, baby?”

“Are you trying to make me feel crazy on purpose?” she asked, her voice raspy with need. “Or is that an unexpected by-product?”

I chuckled.

“Don’t laugh, buddy. I’m a short second away from hacking off your hand, so I can use it to make myself come a little faster.”

I paused briefly, raising my eyebrows as I looked her in the eye.

“Wow. Okay, Fred. Message received.” With my index finger, I pushed her panties out of the way so I could slip a finger inside her.

Fuck me.She was wet and warm and tight and all the things my cock had been dreaming of since the second she tried to tell me this was a no-sex vacation.

Lesson learned—the wife is always right. Sure, anticipation is great, but this is much fucking better.

I rested my chin on her chest as I continued to stroke my finger in and out of her warmth, but apparently, it still wasn’t enough.

Assertiveness overcoming her, she pushed me onto my back, rolled, shoved up on her elbow, straddled my hips, and saddled the fuck up.

Oh, fuck yes. I love feisty Winnie.

With her thighs straddling my hips and her pussy pushed against my still-covered cock, she lifted her nightgown over her head and tossed it onto the floor. Hands to my chest, my wife stared down at me with the kind of heat in her eyes that would drive any man wild.

My cock grew painfully hard, pressing against the restraint that was my boxers, and my minx of a wife wiggled her hips to increase the pleasurable pressure.

“Playtime is over,” she whispered, and instead of waiting for me to respond, she took matters into her own hands.

Lifting up slightly on her knees, she yanked my boxers down just enough to release my cock, slid her panties to the side with one hand, and my goddess of a wife slowly filled herself up.

Inch-by-fucking-inch, the warmth of her pussy consumed me.

It was nirvana.

Confident and demanding and fucking greedy-as-hell, Winnie started riding me like she didn’t give a fuck about anything but her pleasure. Even when I reached out to grip her hips, she slapped my fucking hands away.