Page 19 of Red, White, & You

Cassie smiled. “I’m no damsel, Wheorgie. In fact, give me a glass of wine, sleeping kids, and an occupied husband, and I’m practically Superwoman.”

“Just wait until your husband gets home and tries to divert your powers to the Supercock,” I teased as Georgia and I took a seat.

Cassie snorted. “He wishes.”

“Come on, Cass,” Georgia hedged. “You can’t tell me you aren’t missing your man’s,ahem,affections after this many days without.”

“Affections?” Cassie mocked. “Could youbeany more of a marm, Wheorgie?”

I giggled, and Georgia rolled her eyes. “Sorry for not wanting to talk about your husband’s dick directly.”

Cassie shrugged. “Sure, I miss the old poke and stoke.” I closed my eyes and covered my mouth as a mix of amusement and embarrassment at our no-filter friend flooded me. “But you gotta teach these men lessons every now and then. Show them who’s in control.”

Georgia shook her head. “I’d rather not needlessly play with my husband, thank you very much. Things are good just like they are.”

“Things are good like they arebecauseyou play with him, G. Don’t act naïve. We all know you and Kline are freaky as fuck.”

“Like you should talk. You and Thatch do some weird shit when you actually let him near you.”

“Yes, but see, I’m not embarrassed about our weird shit. I know we’re fucking nuts, and I love that about us. I embrace it.”

Georgia cocked her head to the side. “And you’re saying I don’t embrace Kline’s and my freaky shit?”

“I’m saying you get embarrassed about it, and that makes it all the more fun for me.”

“So, if I wouldn’t get embarrassed about it, then it would just be boring to you?”

“Pretty much.”

Georgia started to open her mouth, but I immediately cut her off before she could reveal another shocking Kline and Georgia sex revelation because of Cassie’s reverse-psychology tactic.

“Don’t do it, Georgia. Keep your freaky shit to yourself.”

Georgia paused and glanced between the two of us, and Cassie just sighed.

“Dammit, Win. I almost had her.”

Georgia flipped Cassie the bird. “You’re such a bitch.”

“I know. But you still love me.” Cassie winked. “And since Georgia refuses to be my entertainment for the evening, Win, tell me about those hot-as-fuck brothers of yours.”

“Huh?” A choking laugh jumped from my lungs. “What do you mean?”

“Well, for one, how on earth are they all still single?”

“Truthfully? I’m not too sure,” I answered and took a drink of my wine. “I think some of it may have to do with what they saw Remy go through years ago.”

Georgia quirked a questioning brow.

“Remy was actually engaged to be married at one point. But he got left at the altar.”

“No fluffing way!” Cassie exclaimed. “Remy got stood up on his wedding day? What kind of woman would walk away from a hot-as-fluff man like that?”

“She was actually one of my closest friends when it happened, but yeah, we pretty much lost touch after that.”

“Damn, that’s rough.”

I nodded. “It wasn’t a good day for the Winslows, that’s for sure.”