Page 18 of Red, White, & You

I smiled. “I’ll definitely take a glass.”

“Georgie?” Cassie waggled her brows. “You gonna pump and dump so you can enjoy a little wine with your best gal pals?”

Georgia thought it over for all of ten seconds then grinned. “What the hell. Might as well enjoy the night, huh?”

“Hell yeah! Georgia’s about to get wild and crazy tonight!” Cassie cheered so loud that Julia squeaked in response, but eventually, she let out a little sigh and cuddled her body deeper into my arms.

“I’m not getting wild and crazy. I’m just going to have a glass. Or two.”

“You probably can’t do more than two, huh?” Cassie retorted as she poured three fresh glasses of wine. “Three or more and you’re all about the butt stuff with Big Dick.”

I choked on a quiet laugh.

Georgia glared. “I hate you so much right now, Casshead.”

“You love me.” Cassie grinned and held up a glass of wine for Georgia. “Now, come over here and enjoy a drink with your best friend. Whom you love and adore and don’t know what you’d do without.”

Georgia just rolled her eyes. “I have to put Julia to bed first.”

“I can do it,” I stated and carefully stood to my feet while keeping the precious baby safe in my arms.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive.” I beamed and nodded toward the kitchen. “Go start on the wine with Cass, and I’ll put Julia to bed.”

Before Georgia could try to refuse again, I headed toward the guest bedroom on the second floor that Kline and Georgia were staying in for the weekend, eased open the door, and carefully laid baby Julia down in the Pack ’n Play crib set up in the far corner of the room.

She wiggled her arms and legs a little at the sensation, but eventually, with my warm hand resting gently on her chest, she relaxed and kept on sleeping.

God, she’s sweet.Just innocence and beauty and love all wrapped up in one adorable baby package. It had been quite a few years ago, but I could still remember when Lex was this little. Her gentle coos and wide eyes. The delicious smell of her skin.

I thought I’d have it again, but lately, I was starting to wonder.

Not Pregnant.

It was the same result I’d received repeatedly over the past year, despite not having done anything to prevent conception. Wes and I had decided whatever was supposed to happen, would happen, but I couldn’t negate I was beginning to feel an inkling of disappointment deep within my belly.

I was never set on having more kids, and it was really nice that my Lexi was getting older and more independent, but the feel of Julia in my arms still made me ache.

Honestly, it was all pretty damn confusing. I mean, I was happy in my life, so happy in my marriage, over the moon with the amazing kid I called mine, so feeling any sense of disappointment was puzzling. Still, I guess that didn’t make it any less real.

“Winnie,” Georgia’s voice whispered from behind me, and I startled, thankfully not jerking the Pack ’n Play with the hand still resting on it like some slapstick comedy skit.

She gestured from the doorway, smiling toward me with two glasses of wine in her hands.

“Come on,” she whispered. “Get out here. Julia’s asleep, and there’s no way in hell I am going to let you leave me alone out here with Cassie.”

I smirked, and after one last glance at the baby, I met Georgia at the door and took the glass of wine from her outstretched hand.

There was a small part of me that wanted to tell her about my current internal struggle over having more kids. Or the fact that I wasn’t sure if I wanted more kids. Or hell, if I could evenhavemore kids.

But I just couldn’t really find the words without bringing the whole vibe down.

So, instead, I took her arm with mine, elbow locked with elbow, and walked back down to the living room with her.

One of the deck doors was open, and we found Cassie sitting outside with her feet propped up on the table, a half-empty glass of wine in her hand. At some point in the past twenty minutes or so, she’d even managed to start the fire pit.

“Wow, Cass,” Georgia remarked. “I’m impressed.”