Page 112 of Not In The Proposal

“What can I help you with, Ms. Voss?” he asked, the barest hint of a smile in his voice.

“The expansion into Brazil,” I said. “I want to change some of the paperwork.”

I heard the quick brush of fingertips on his keyboard before he answered. “Go for it.”

“I want to sign the expansion over to Mia.”

Silence greeted me, and I waited a long beat before he spoke. “Pardon me, Ms. Voss,” he said, clearing his throat. “Could you repeat that, please?”

I bit back a smile. “The expansion,” I repeated. “I’m leaving it to Mia.”

“In- uh, in a legal sense?”

“Yes, Warren.” I sighed, exasperation and amusement threading together in my voice. “Mia will be running the Brazilian sister company of DawnStar Studios. I want her to be given all legal clearance and have the papers ready to sign by tomorrow evening.”

“Of course,” he said. “I’ll have the updated contracts emailed to you by the close of business tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Warren.”

I hung up and immediately dialed the next person on my list of people to call. Alex didn’t answer as quickly as Warren had, but then again, I wasn’t paying her to answer me.

“Look who finally remembered I exist,” she teased.

“Like you’d ever let me forget,” I retorted. “How are things back home?”

“Brunch has been a little unbearable without you.” Alex sighed. “Taylor and I are the only other singles in the group and we’re forced to watch Cam and Hayden make heart eyes at Elliot and Frankie almost every day.”

I laughed, wondering how she’d react once she found out she and Taylor were theonlysingles left. “Sounds awful. Non-stop wedding talk, I’m guessing?”

“You have no idea,” she drawled. “I can’t wait for you to come back. How is the expansion going?”

“That’s kind of what I called to talk to you about.”

“Did something happen?”

A lot, actually. But I didn’t tell her that.

Not yet.

“I decided to leave the expansion to Mia,” I told her, braced for her response.

“It’ll be in good hands,” she said. “I don’t see what the issue is.”

“No, I mean I’m leaving it all to her,” I corrected. “She’s going to run the Brazilian sister company in my stead.”

“So… what? She’s staying in Brazil?” Alex asked. “And you’ll come back here?”

“In theory, yeah.”

“What brought this on, Reid?” she pressed. “Did something happen between the two of you?”

“Not the fallout you’re thinking of.” I laughed. “No, I just… I can see how happy she is here, you know? She’s this whole other person and I can’t bring myself tonotexplore this option for her. I don’t want her to feel like she’s chained to me.”

“Did she tell you that’s how she’s feeling?”

“No, but you should see her, Alex.” I sighed, knowing I sounded like a lovesick fool. But Alex didn’t call me out on it.
