Page 111 of Not In The Proposal

I coughed to cover up the embarrassed giggle that slipped through my teeth, and Reid just laughed.

“Come on,” she whined, holding a chip in front of my face. I opened my mouth and took it from her, my cheeks ablaze. “Just tell me one? What was it? Did you want me to eat you out in the conference room or something?”

“Jesus, Reid,” I wheezed, swallowing the barely chewed chip with a wince. “Is that what you fantasize about?”

“Oh no,” she said, setting the bag of chips aside and shuffling closer. “Don’t try to turn this on me. I’m fully prepared and willing to go into heavy detail about all the things I want to do to you. You’re the one who’s suddenly getting shy despite being completely naked right now.”

“Don’t remind me,” I whined, and she frowned.

“Why not?” she asked, licking the flavor off her fingertips. “I’m hardly paying attention to what you’re saying, you’re so distracting.”

“And you’re an awful liar,” I countered.

“Yeah, but you love it.”


Chapter 36

Plans For The Future


“Reid,”Miagiggled,herfingers prying my hold off her. “I need to shower.”

“There’s a shower right here,” I muttered unhappily, eyeing the access card in her other hand. “There’s no reason for you to leave.”

“All my clothes are in my room,” she pointed out. “And so is my toothbrush. You know how I feel about my toothbrush.”

I clicked my tongue but let her go anyway. Nothing and no one ever came between Mia and her toothbrush. We’d traveled together enough for me to understand that much.

“You could just bring all of that over here,” I grumbled, rolling off the bed and shrugging into the bathrobe beside the window.

“But then we’d get nothing done because we’d spend all day in your bed,” she deadpanned, and, yeah, that was probably true.

I watched her slide into her sandals.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” I smirked.

“We have actual work to do today, Reid,” she reminded me, a hand on her hip. “Plus we have to start getting ready to fly back home.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.” I sighed.

She waved as she left and I couldn’t help but pout a little. Now that she’d left, I had to face the decision I’d made the night before, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it just then. But I unlocked my phone anyway and dialed Warren.

“Ms. Voss,” he greeted.

“Warren, how are you?”

He paused for a moment, likely surprised that I hadn’t launched into another scheme right off the bat. But he took it in stride as he always did and recovered quickly.

“Very well, thank you,” he said, sounding just a little unsure. “Is everything okay?”

“Perfect.” I smiled, walking into the living room and grabbing my laptop. “I wanted to thank you for your work on Donnie Braga. You and the team did excellently.”

“I’m glad we were able to help on such short notice,” he said.

“There’s something else I need your help with,” I said, and he made a soft sound.