“Bye, Bell.” I hung up. Sighing, I rose from the couch and went to my bedroom. Over the next few days, it was quiet. I had thought all my problems were taking a break.
A week later, it was a bright Monday morning. I woke up late, but I felt refreshed. Changing out of my nightgown, I took some gardening tools and left the house. I cut out the weeds and watered the flowers. Doing this felt therapeutic, and since I had little to do, this was a welcomed task I enjoyed.
I was about to enter the house when I noticed a piece of paper sticking out of the mailbox. Weird, I thought. When did I start receiving mail? Shrugging, I went to the box, opened it, and pulled out three letters. Two were addressed to my mom, and one to me. I took them out and brought them into the house. Going to the dining room, I sat and broke the seal of the letter addressed to me.
Pulling out the letter, I saw the letter was from the bank. My breath caught. I had been deluding myself thinking they’d give me more time. It seems that won’t be the case. Taking in a steadying breath, I read through the letter. The letter was brusque and written professionally. I was being urged to start paying off the loan to avoid either losing the property or facing legal issues. I felt tears coming to my eyes. Dropping the letter palmed my face and wept, “Why did you leave me alone with this burden Mom?” I asked hoping for an answer from anyone but nothing was forthcoming.
Wiping the tears from my cheeks, I broke the seal of the two other letters. They were from the bank addressed to my mom warning her to keep paying. Apparently she had stopped paying the little amounts she had. I guessed those little amounts were the money I sent her to take care of herself.
I have to do something else, I will lose the land and then I’ll be left with nothing. I thought back to my conversation with Jack. He had proposed a great deal, to help me pay off the loan and also pay a higher price for the land. That was more than I could get elsewhere but my emotions got the better of me. I felt torn, this was a hard decision. I could empty my savings to pay the bank but that would only make a dent in the loan, also I’ll need a high-paying job if I’m going to keep paying, and that’s something I didn’t have at the moment. This would lead to me eventually losing the land and if I sold it, it would mean giving up the last thing my parents owned. I didn’t want to do that. The idea made me feel like I was betraying them.
A knock came from the door. I packed the papers and went to my bedroom to lock them in a drawer. Washing my face, I checked the mirror to make sure I was looking good. Then I walked to the door. I opened the door and saw the man was about to raise his hand for another knock. I stared at him pointedly. He was one of Jack’s lawyers, named Colby. Behind him were two others I didn’t care to know. “What do you want?” I snapped, tremendously irritated.
“I’m sorry, Miss Carter, for disturbing you. May we come in to discuss your property?” He flashed a disarming smile, but I knew their reason for being here, so I didn’t budge.
“No. You can stay out there, say what you want and go. You’re not welcome in my home.”
The woman among them said, “That seems a bit rude. We are not strangers at this point. Please, give us a chance.”
I stayed silent waiting for them to say what they had to say then leave. “Ma’am, I understand your frustration. Mr. Lawrence said you might be more open to the idea now, so we came to talk to you. We even have a proposal here for you to go through. If you like it we can draw up the contract.” The third guy said, extending his hand to me, giving me a file.
“Thank you for your effort. Now, take back that file and tell Jack that he should stop trying and that he should leave me alone. I don’t want to see you guys around again? Am I clear?”
“Miss, you are currently in difficult financial straits. This is the lifeline you need to change your life. Why can’t you just accept it? We are willing to accommodate more of your conditions if you have any and that they are within the bounds of reason.” Colby said, taking the file from the guy and waving it at me.
It felt condescending the way he talked to me. What he said made sense, but I’d be a traitor if I traded my family’s property for money. But, something at the back of my mind said my mom gave out the land for a loan. I shook my head. That was for a different reason.
“I've stated my condition. I’m leasing it out for five years, not selling. You guys can use the land for that period of time and find something better later. After that, it’s none of my business.”
“Ma’am, this stubbornness will not help you. Our offer is the best you will get. You could live a comfortable life and buy other land with the money you get from the deal. Think this over.” The lady said coolly as if I were a child. The others nodded, clearly agreeing with her.
“I didn’t ask for your advice. Tell Jack he can either accept what I offer or leave me alone.” I closed the door harshly in their faces. I rested my back against the door, breathing heavily. What are you doing? Open the door and accept this offer. Don’t be stupid. My mind kept raging at my decision, but I could not bring myself to do it. I heard them walk away.
The next few days, I had grown tired of sending them away, so I just ignored them whenever they came to my door till they left. I noticed a car parked some distance away from my house every evening and left before it was too dark. The cars were always different, but they had an expensive air to them. I knew the person inside would be Jack. I longed to see him and call him into my house, but I was still mad at him, and I thought the passion wouldn’t be mutual. He just wants me for my land.
The lawyers stopped coming, and a few days later, the car stopped coming around. Good, I thought. I decided to find other potential buyers online. Maybe I could find someone else to rent the land out to. I did not expect to get a second person like Jack, that would be willing to pay a high amount. I had to keep my expectations low. I took pictures of the land and uploaded them to a land owners site and into a Facebook group. I found several other sites for landowners, too.
For days, no serious buyer messaged me. I got a few messages from people who priced the land way below its value. I gave up on it. Was my only hope out with Jack? I didn’t like that thought.
I had just gotten off the phone with Mirabel. She just promised me that soon there will be a position open at her job, maybe I could apply. I was thinking about that when a postman walked up my steps and stood in front of me. I was sitting on the porch enjoying the warm afternoon. I didn’t expect to have a visitor and seeing it was a postman then it must be from the bank.
“Good day, Miss. Are you Miss Samantha Carter?” I nodded in response. “I have a letter here for you.” His face was flushed like he had been working hard but his voice was steady. He opened the side of his bag and brought out a letter and handed it to me.
I took it from his hand and turned it, examining it. “Is this from the Bank?” I asked, not really expecting an answer from him.
“No, Miss. It’s from the mayor’s office. I’ll be going now. Have a great day.” He turned and left.
What?! I thought, the mayor? Why would I get a letter from the mayor’s office? My hands were shaking, did my parents have any dealings with the mayor? At this point I would not be surprised.
I opened the letter and read its content. The mayor, Luke Adams was requesting that I make the land available to the public, that since the land had become a collateral and I could not pay it off, the city would take on the responsibility to pay for it, thereby making it the property of the city. I was bewildered. Can they do that? The most confusing part was where the letter said the land will be awarded to a deserving person in Salt Lake City.
What the hell did that mean? It seemed like everyone was conspiring against me to get this land. I felt targeted and I hated it. I hate the feeling of hopelessness that I was feeling. Slowly and inexorably, I was losing my choice and control in the matter. I decided before it all got out of hand, I better choose the safest option with the most benefit.
I rose and went to my room. I opened the drawer and saw Jack’s card. I was about to reach for it then I shook my head and picked the lawyer’s card, Colby. I dialed the number, as it rang I nervously ran my hand over my skirt, feeling torn and conflicted, but I was forced to make this decision.
“Hello, it’s Colby speaking. May I know who I’m speaking with?” He answered.
I sucked in a deep breath and replied, “It’s Samantha Carter. I’ve decided to sell the land. However, before I do that. Tell Jack that I’d like to meet with him. He can decide the location.”