“That’s fantastic. I’ll pass this news to him. The time and venue for the meeting will be communicated to you. Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me.” I cut the call and dropped my phone on the bed. I hoped I was doing the right thing. I laid my back on the bed and used my eyes to trace the design on the ceilings. The spirals and curves made me dizzy. I curled into myself and cried. It did not feel like I was winning rather it felt like I was losing more than I would be getting.



“Hello,Sir. It’s Colby. I have good news.” Colby’s voice reached me and I could hear the excitement in his voice. Rubbing the bridge of my nose, I took my eyes off my laptop and responded.

“Come in.” I wasn’t enthused about his so-called good news. I hadn't made any headway in the acquisition of the land and sleep has been hard to find recently. Colby entered with his phone tightly clutched in his hand. Rarely have I seen him this excited. That got my attention. “What’s the good news, Colby?” I asked my hopes rising.

He took his seat directly facing me, “Sir, Samantha just called. She has agreed to sell the land.”

I narrowed my eyes for a moment, not believing what he said. Samantha had refused to sell the land and all my attempts to get her to change her mind failed. It seems the mayor did as he promised. I said in a calm voice, “That’s good news. You can start drawing up a contract. I want this done quickly.”

“Sir, she would like to meet you first before any contracts can be signed. She wants to talk to you. When do you think you can meet her?”

I blinked, she was truly a force to be reckoned with. It seemed she wasn’t going to give up so easily. In a way, I admire that in her. It was sad we had to interact under these circumstances. I leaned back into my chair and gazed out the window. I was close to getting what I wanted but I didn’t feel happy. I was hurting her. If things were in a better situation, I would have paid off that debt but now it’s a leverage and deciding factor for me. “Let us meet tomorrow by 10 am at Mulberry Palace Restaurant.” I said, dismissing him.

He left without another word. I imagined she hated me. The anger in her eyes as I revealed what I knew about her family, it seemed like the greatest act of betrayal. Worst of all, I messed up my chance at rekindling a flame between us. I scoffed, I was acting like a teenager in love, going to her house yet not having the courage to leave my car and talk to her. I guessed I had to let go of love if I wanted to keep my business.

* * *

The alarm rang making me roll and groan in bed. I had a fitful sleep last night. I turned the alarm off and went to the bathroom. Today was my meeting with Samantha. I didn’t know why but I felt a certain dread meeting with her after our last encounter. I laughed at myself, what could she do?

I stripped down and stepped into the shower, the cool water helped clear my mind. Within an hour, I was ready to leave. I put on my wristwatch and adjusted my tie using the mirror. I looked great, my gray hair giving me an air of authority, my custom-made suit giving me the edge I needed. I went downstairs, my suitcase in hand and placed it on the dining table.

The house seemed deserted. Since Anna left with the kids, it had become a shell of what it once was. I had few staff to help, but no cook. I’d have to get a cook soon to stop eating out. I entered the kitchen and made a quick meal, toast with coffee. Eating felt like a chore, but I had to do it to stay healthy.

Finishing my meal, I checked the time and saw it was 9 am. There was still some time before the meeting. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to call the mayor. He had helped me, though things were not finalized yet, I wanted to talk to him.

A week ago, people started appearing on my land, interfering with the work of my company’s factory. I was informed that the mayor had given them permission to survey my land and start planning. I was livid, but I also knew I was running out of time. It would be best to strike a deal with him.

The call with the mayor had been brief. I had spoken to him about the land and Samantha, he replied that he’d get it done though no compensation would be given to my company. It was all shady, but I had to agree. The call rang for a while and then he picked up, “Luke, it seems what you planned worked.” I addressed him by his first name. We had made a sort of tentative relationship between us.

“I knew it would work. It seems we all can get started with our plans then?” His voice was unperturbed by any guilt about what we’ve done to Samantha. I had to make it up to her.

“We can, but I want to ask you to not in any way harm her. Necessity has pushed us to this point but whatever you did to make her agree to selling her land, it should not bring any harm to her. Or else….” I left the threat hanging in the air.

There was no response from him then he said, “You can count on me.”

“Good.” I hung up. Picked up my suitcase and left the house. I got to the garage and picked a Mercedes Maybach car to drive. Driving in a great car always puts me in a good mood. I started the car and drove to the gate. It parted automatically, then I drove out. The drive to the restaurant was short. I parked at a safe location and stepped out. Checking my watch, it was 15 minutes before the agreed time.

Taking long strides, I approached the entrance to the Mulberry Palace Restaurant. Entering, I stepped onto a gleaming floral patterned marble floor. The restaurant had large windows that were open and decorated with flowers giving the place a serene and sweet smell. I walked towards a free seat by a window looking out to the street. At this time, the restaurant didn’t have many people coming in but that would soon change.

There were waiters standing around and one of them looked at me with a question in his eyes. I shook my head and he got the message. I was waiting for Samantha to arrive and I hoped she didn’t back out at the last minute.

I thought back to our encounter, I left my card with her, instead she called Colby and not me. She must hate my guts. I turned to look at the entrance and I saw her walking in. She had on a flowing silk scarlet gown that showed off her curves and radiant skin. Her brown hair fell gently behind her back giving her an effortless look. She always took my breath away whenever I saw her.

I stood and went to her, she was looking around for me. I reached her and coughed, “Sam.”

She turned around looking at me with a bewildered look. Her makeup was light which made it look natural. She was beautiful. I wanted to kiss her. “We are not that close, Mr. Lawrence. Call me by my full name.” She said curtly.

I smiled, I found more ways to like her, “Ok, Samantha.” I whispered her name close to her ear. A blush crept to her face. I took her hand and led her to my seat. She did not resist. I pulled out a seat for her and she sat placing her black purse on the table. I took my seat and gestured for a waiter to come. Though I had eaten, her presence made me feel hungry. I was coming alive around her. “What would you like to have?” I asked as the waiter stood in front of us.

“Whatever you’re having.” Her voice softened and she had the same look she had in her eyes when we met at the club.

I said to the waiter, “Get us one bottle of your finest wine and two plates of chicken rice salad. He nodded and left. I faced her, she had a hand under her chin watching me. “What?” I asked.