“You know how to do that?”
“It’s not that hard. We’ll just put a spare on, get it back here, and then maybe while we’re at Viper’s we can find someone to deal with it.”
Huh. Look at Drew being logical and making sense.
“Okay. Yeah. After breakfast?”
“That depends. You bring any?”
I held up the full paper bag. “I might’ve gotten carried away.”
Drew grinned and took the bag from me, setting it aside and then curling his finger into the waist of my pants. He tugged me forward until my hips bumped up against his, and searched my eyes.
“I missed you this morning. I was hoping for a hot wake-up call.”
“Oh. Yeah, sorry. I just wanted to get some stuff knocked out…”
“Okay. Is that all that’s bothering you? The car?”
“Yeah, why?”
Drew rubbed his thumb along my waist. “Just checking, is all.”
“Everything’s fine,” I said, pulling away from him, but he caught my arm before I walked away.
“Don’t make it weird, H.”
“I’m not making anything weird.”
“Mhmm.” Drew studied me for a long moment before letting go.
I knew my mood would only rub off on him, so while he dug into the bag of pastries, I showered and tried to let all of my irritation run down the drain.
A LITTLE WHILE later we were pulling in behind my car, which, luckily, was still right where I’d left it—except for the thick mud and debris that surrounded it.
Great. Another outfit about to be ruined. I tried to remember what I had left to wear for tomorrow, but it wasn’t looking good.
Drew shut the car off and pulled out his phone. “Okay, let’s see how to do this,” he murmured.
I snapped my head in his direction. “What are you talking about? You said you knew how to change a tire.”
“Nooo, I said it couldn’t be that hard. There’s a million videos online for this.”
“Oh my God,” I muttered, rubbing my forehead. “This was a mistake.”
“Come on, we can do this. You’ve got a spare, right?”
“Of course there’s a spare. There’s also about ten inches of mud, or did you miss that?”
Drew winked. “Scared of getting a little dirty?”
I glared as he swiped my keys and got out of the car, heading over to mine. With a curse, I shoved open the door and followed him, not at all happy about the turn of events.
After popping the trunk, he lifted the mat and let out a whoop. “See, look at that, a spare and a tool set. Always prepared, aren’t you? Weren’t you a Boy Scout?”
“Could’ve fooled me,” he said, taking his phone back out to thumb through it. “Although I guess I wouldn’t be searching how-to videos if you were. Hey, here we go.”