Page 58 of Bedhead

As he hit play, I reluctantly watched over his shoulder, ignoring his body heat and trying to focus on the ridiculousness of the situation. We had no business messing with a car, simple tire change or not—something told me that between the two of us, it wouldn’t be as easy as Drew was making out.

“See? We can do this.” He opened the toolkit and scanned the items inside. “Okay. Um. This thing’s the jack…a wrench for the nuts—”

“This sounds painful.”

“What’s a little pain with your pleasure, Montgomery?” Drew picked the spare up and handed it to me, then reached back inside to grab the toolkit. “All right. Let’s get jacked.”

“Didn’t we do that last night?” It was out of my mouth before I could restrain myself, and Drew’s jaw hit the ground.

“Look at you with the jokes now. Starting to feel a little less tense now that I’ve got this under control?”

“Fuck you,” I said without malice, and he grinned.

“Nah, then you’d be feelingreallygood, but unfortunately, I need your hands.” When I let out a groan as he brushed by me, he gave me a look full of mischief. “Keep that up and you may get an encore.Ifyou’re lucky.”

Aaand now I was thinking about it. Leave it to Drew to turn my irritation into something I didn’t need to be thinking about right now.

I followed after him with the spare, trying not to hit the thick pockets of mud that lined this side of the car. Fuck, I did not have the shoes for this either.

“Okay, so we just jack up the car, undo these lug nut things, put on a spare, wham, bam, thank you, ma’am.”

“You make it sound easy,” I said.

“I told you it would be. Now…go for it.”

“What? Me?”

“Yeah, just get on your knees and show me how it’s done.”

Shaking my head, I lowered the tire to lean against the side of the car. “Isn’t that where you do your best work? I’d hate to deprive you.”

“I still have mattress burn on my knees from last night.”


Drew let out an exaggerated sigh and lowered himself into a careful squat in the thick mud in front of the blown tire. “Fiiine. Since you want a show…”

I took his phone and restarted the video, watching the first segment before pausing. “Okay, take the hubcap off first, and then loosen the lug nuts, but not all the way.”

He followed my instruction, grunting as he worked the wrench. His knee hit the muddy ground, and that right there was why he was doing this and not me. Jeans were a better option for this kind of a job, and I hadn’t brought anything remotely casual on the trip.

“Now your favorite part,” I said after pausing the next section. “Get to jacking.”

“I would, but you’re too far away.” He grabbed the tool and went to put it underneath the car but paused.

“What’s wrong?”

“Well…” He looked up at me over his shoulder. “I don’t usually say this, but I don’t know where to put it.”

A snort-laugh escaped me as I bent down to look at the jack. “It doesn’t say? Wait, look. Right there.” I bent down to move the jack into position under the car and watched as he pumped the lever.

It didn’t take long at all for us to switch things out, and as Drew lowered the car back down and removed the jack, he said, “Ta-da.”

“If publishing doesn’t work out, you could hack it as a mechanic.”

“Not gonna lie, I’m feeling pretty proud of myself right now.” He stood up, pushing back his hair with the back of his hand. “So do I get a reward for this?”

“Hmm. What do you want?”