Page 60 of Bedhead

Oh fuck.

Drew looked down me, and I squirmed beneath him, trying to break free. It was too late, though. He’d already felt the way my cock reacted.

“Reaaally,” he said, lifting a brow. “This does it for you?”

I rolled my eyes and tried again to move, to no avail. “No.”

“Liar. You really should know better than to keep telling stories.” He lowered over me until his lips hovered above mine, so close I could feel his breath and longed to taste it again. “I always knew you liked it dirty. Looks like I was right.”



“Get in the fucking car.”



DRIVING BACK TO the hotel caked in mud and with a raging hard-on?

I don’t recommend it.

Though the hard-on faded damn quickly with the discomfort of the brown slush turning cold and creeping into part of my clothes it had no business getting in.

The looks the hotel clerks gave us as we walked in were full of disgust, but they weren’t the ones smelling like a cow pasture.

“Fuck me, I thought being hurricane soaked was bad. Nope. Not even close,” I said as we stepped out of the elevator onto our floor. I could feel Hudson’s eyes on me, and I knew how ridiculous I looked, but keeping my body stiff and my arms out so they didn’t touch any other part of me was the only way I could manage right now.

“Why are you walking like a zombie?”

“I’m trying not to encourage movement into my crevices.”

“Nowthatwould be a shame. Good thing that shower’s big enough for two.” The look of promise and indecent intentions Hudson aimed my way had me zombie-walking faster.

As his chuckle echoed down the hall, one of our cell phones began to ring. If it was mine, it would have to wait, because I wasn’t digging into my pocket, but a few seconds later I heard Hudson answer.

He opened the door to our room, and as I stepped inside, he held up a finger.

“Sorry, it’s the office. I’ve got to take this.”

“You want me to wait?” I said, but the door shut before I got an answer.

Well, shit. So much for the hot-showering-together fantasy I’d built up in my mind. But I’d be getting under that spray with or without Hudson, because I couldn’t handle another minute like this.

Not to mention I was looking forward to the promise of more.

I shivered as I stepped into the bathroom, not even bothering to bring a spare set of clothes with me because I didn’t plan on wearing a damn thing for the rest of the day. I turned the water on as hard and hot as it would go and then began to strip out of my clothes. Playing tug of war with my jeans was an unexpected delight, and when my foot got stuck, it sent me flying into the counter. I grunted and muttered a few curses as pain stabbed my hip.

When I finally managed to get free and stepped under the spray, the pounding heat washed over me and a sigh of relief escaped my throat.

“Oh fuck yesss.”

It was just the right pressure to soothe the tension out of my muscles, and it rained down hard enough to make all the mud break up and run down my body like a river. I poured a handful of shampoo onto my hair, rubbed it in, then closed my eyes and let the water do its work.

It was too bad Hudson wasn’t here to enjoy this. To enjoy me. After that foreplay yesterday, I’d been hoping to get reacquainted with his cock, and I’d thought he was on the same page.

We’d both certainly let our guard down in other ways, and if you told me that would happen before we were stranded in this room, I would’ve called you nuts. Turned out, all these years of harboring pain, guilt, and resentment could be overcome after all. Hudson hadn’t wanted to talk about our past, and it felt like a clean slate, but I wondered if it was only temporary. When we left here tomorrow, would things go back to the way they were? Would he want more? Did I?