Page 59 of Bedhead

Drew’s eyes darkened as he stepped in closer. “I think you can guess.”

“A thank you?” I teased, knowing full well what that look meant.

“Oh, you’re gonna thank me, all right.”

My cock felt that sensual promise and gave afuck yeah.

Drew pulled my keys from his pocket and held them up. “Let’s get this shit in your trunk and I’ll race you back to the hotel.”

I grabbed them as the thought of getting him naked and beneath me got more appealing by the second. “Deal.”

Without another word, we loaded the tools and flat back into the trunk, and then I was cranking the car, ready to—


I turned the key again, but the engine wasn’t turning over.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I pushed the door open and signaled to Drew while I tried again. And again.

“What’s wrong?” he said as I slammed my hand against the stupid wheel.

“It’s dead.”

“I thought you said it was just the tire?”

“I said Ithoughtit was just the tire.”

We rounded the car, looking for any obvious obstructions, but neither of us knew enough to know what was happening under the hood.

I sighed and slammed the driver’s-side door shut, pocketing my keys as Drew growled.

“Well, shit,” he said.

“You can say that again.”

He kicked at the spare, and as he repeated, “Well, shit,” Drew slipped on the mud and fell backward, arms flailing as he tried to catch himself.

A burst of laughter escaped me. I meant to ask him if he was okay, really I did, but the sight of him on his ass, combined with the fact that my car still wasn’t working after all that effort, made an uncontrollable fit of hilarity take over. It shouldn’t have been as funny as it was, but after a couple of days of such a shit situation, I was throwing my damn hands up. It was either laughing hysterically or crying, so I’d take the former.

“Oh, this is funny, is it?” Drew said, trying hard to shoot me a glare, but his lips were twitching.

Before I could answer, he reached for my ankle and jerked it out from beneath me, causing me to fall into the same heap of mud beside him.

“Drew, you ass,” I sputtered between choking laughs. It felt like I’d landed in a vat of thick, gushy slime, and I cringed as Drew’s laughter rang out around us.

“Feels good, doesn’t it? I heard mud’s great for exfoliation.” Drew pitched a handful of the gunk my way, and it landed with a splat on my formerly light blue button-up. “Lather up, H.”

“I’ll latheryouup, motherfucker,” I said, rolling toward him with two handfuls.

As I moved in between his thighs, he let out a yelp and grabbed my forearms to stop me, but my weight had him sinking deeper into the sludge. It covered most of his hair and probably would’ve moved up to his ears if he hadn’t wrapped his legs around my waist and leveraged my body so he could roll on top of me.

Damn, he was strong. I hadn’t seen that move coming, and I was left momentarily stunned as he straddled my hips. His thighs were like a vise, not letting me go anywhere.

He was breathing heavy, but Drew’s smile was bright. The sun was peeking out from behind the clouds, forming a glow like a halo around his head.Thatmade me chuckle, because Drew was far from an angel.

But hewasreally fucking gorgeous. Even with him covered in mud and a total mess, I couldn’t think of anyone who’d ever caught my eye the way Drew did. He’d always been impossible to resist, including last night…