If I’d been worried he thought I went too far, Hudson’s grin told me all I needed to know.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” he asked.
“Guess I didn’t want to scareyouoff.”
As his smile faded, a wistful look crossed his face. “You always have gone after what you’ve wanted. It’s the thing I’ve loved and hated about you most.”
I nodded, tracing figure eights with my pointer finger on the sheet between us. “I know.”
A long moment passed before Hudson covered my hand with his. “Hey?”
I met his eyes. “Yeah?”
“Thank you,” he said. “For always being the one to break the ice.”
WE’D SPENT THE rest of the day reminiscing, and long into the night, Drew eventually passed out mid-sentence. And yeah, maybe I’d watched him for a lingering amount of time after that, my brain still processing everything that had happened.
Breaking down walls. Long-lost confessions. It was almost as if giving in to the sexual tension had taken the edge off enough to stop the bickering.
It’d been nice. No, nice wasn’t the right word—it’d left my heart pounding and my brain turning into mush. Why did it have to be Drew that had that effect on me? And why did his mouth have to be the hottest thing I’d ever put my dick in? Because damn, the man sucked cock like it was his job. It would’ve been all too easy to give in to more after that, and I wanted to. Fuck, I’d wanted to. But I still held back, and I didn’t know why.
Then Drew had to show me with words how charming and persuasive he’d always been, revealing himself to be the mastermind behind our first night together. It made me realize that he’d wanted me just as much as I’d wanted him, and somehow I’d needed to hear that. Not that it mattered now, but it settled something inside me that had always wondered if I’d been the one who’d cared too much.
Not knowing what to expect in the light of day was enough to have me staring at the ceiling all night, only falling into a shallow sleep for an hour or two. As soon as the sun gave a hint of rising, I’d thrown on some clothes and headed downstairs, not wanting to wake Drew while I made a few phone calls and tried to figure out where the day would lead.
The first order of business was touching base with Levi, who assured me the ferry would be up and running by tomorrow, so we, and the rest of the guests not already on the island, would make it in time for the rescheduled party. Leave it to rock stars to give no fucks about a hurricane shutting things down. Priorities.
The second was figuring out what to do with my car. I needed to get it off the side of the road and back in working order. Hell, I hoped the car was still there and hadn’t gotten swept into the ocean sometime over the last couple of days.
But an hour passed, then two, and every damn place was booked solid. By the time I’d finished calling around, my frustration had reached its peak, and I took out my annoyance by buying a shitload of carbs and heading back to the room.
To my surprise, Drew was already awake when I stepped inside, making coffee instead of still lying in bed.
“Hey.” He grinned at me as he dumped a packet of sugar into a disposable cup and gave it a stir. “Did my snoring run you out of the room?”
“You don’t snore.”
“I know.” He winked as he leaned back against the counter, his hair wet from a shower, a pair of jeans riding his hips.
Damn, he looked good.
“Everything okay?” he asked, obviously picking up on my mood.
“Well, good news is the party is on for tomorrow and everything should be opening back up by morning. Bad news is I don’t know if I’ll have a car to get there by then.”
“Ah. No luck with any car shops, huh?”
“Everyone’s busy. I’m fucked.”
“Not the worst thing to be.” He flashed a playful grin, but I couldn’t find the humor in the situation at the moment. “Look, you think it was just the tire, right?”
“I think so, yeah.”
“Well, you and I can change a tire now that we’re not being pelted by hurricane-force rain.”